Then shall the kingdom of heaven — That is, the candidates for it,
be like ten virgins — The bridemaids on the wedding night were wont
to go to the house where the bride was, with burning lamps or torches
in their hands, to wait for the bride groom's coming. When he drew
near, they went to meet him... [ Continue Reading ]
The foolish took no oil with them — No more than kept them burning
just for the present. None to supply their future want, to recruit
their lamp's decay. The lamp is faith. A lamp and oil with it, is
faith working by love.... [ Continue Reading ]
The wise took oil in their vessels — Love in their hearts. And they
daily sought a fresh supply of spiritual strength, till their faith
was made perfect.... [ Continue Reading ]
While the bridegroom delayed — That is, before they were called to
attend him, they all slumbered and slept — Were easy and quiet, the
wise enjoying a true, the foolish a false peace.... [ Continue Reading ]
At midnight — In an hour quite unthought of.... [ Continue Reading ]
They trimmed their lamps — They examined themselves and prepared to
meet their God.... [ Continue Reading ]
Give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out — Our faith is dead.
What a time to discover this! Whether it mean the time of death, or of
judgment. Unto which of the saints wilt thou then turn? Who can help
thee at such a season?... [ Continue Reading ]
But the wise answered, Lest there be not enough for us and you! —
Beginning the sentence with a beautiful abruptness; such as showed
their surprise at the state of those poor wretches, who had so long
received them, as well as their own souls. Lest there be not enough
— It is sure there is not; for... [ Continue Reading ]
Watch therefore — He that watches has not only a burning lamp, but
likewise oil in his vessel. And even when he sleepeth, his heart
waketh. He is quiet; but not secure.... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Lord proceeds by a parable still plainer (if that can be) to
declare the final reward of a harmless man. May God give all such in
this their day, ears to hear and hearts to understand it! The kingdom
of heaven — That is, the King of heaven, Christ. Mark 13:34; Luke
19:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
To one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one —
And who knows whether (all circumstances considered) there be a
greater disproportion than this, in the talents of those who have
received the most, and those who have received the fewest? According
to his own ability — The words may... [ Continue Reading ]
He that had received one — Made his having fewer talents than others
a pretence for not improving any. Went and hid his master's money —
Reader, art thou doing the same? Art thou hiding the talent God hath
lent thee?... [ Continue Reading ]
I knew thou art a hard man — No. Thou knowest him not. He never knew
God, who thinks him a hard master. Reaping where thou hast not sown
— That is, requiring more of us than thou hast given us power to
perform. So does every obstinate sinner, in one kind or other, lay the
blame of his own sins on Go... [ Continue Reading ]
And I was afraid — Lest if I had improved my talent, I should have
had the more to answer for. So from this fear, one will not learn to
read, another will not hear sermons!... [ Continue Reading ]
Thou knewest — That I require impossibilities! This is not an
allowing, but a strong denial of the charge.... [ Continue Reading ]
Thou oughtest therefore — On that very account, on thy own
supposition, to have improved my talent, as far as was possible.... [ Continue Reading ]
To every one that hath shall he given — So close does God keep to
this stated rule, from the beginning to the end of the world. Matthew
13:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
Cast ye the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness — For what?
what had he done? It is true he had not done good. But neither is he
charged with doing any harm. Why, for this reason, for barely doing no
harm, he is consigned to outer darkness. He is pronounced a wicked,
because he was a slothf... [ Continue Reading ]
When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels
with him — With what majesty and grandeur does our Lord here speak
of himself Giving us one of the noblest instances of the true sublime.
Indeed not many descriptions in the sacred writings themselves seem to
equal this. Methinks w... [ Continue Reading ]
Inherit the kingdom — Purchased by my blood, for all who have
believed in me with the faith which wrought by love. Prepared for you
— On purpose for you. May it not be probably inferred from hence,
that man was not created merely to fill up the places of the fallen
angels?... [ Continue Reading ]
I was hungry, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink
— All these works of outward mercy suppose faith and love, and must
needs he accompanied with works of spiritual mercy. But works of this
kind the Judge could not mention in the same manner. He could not say,
I was in error, and... [ Continue Reading ]
Then shall the righteous answer — It cannot be, that either the
righteous or the wicked should answer in these very words. What we
learn herefrom is, that neither of them have the same estimation of
their own works as the Judge hath.... [ Continue Reading ]
Inasmuch as ye did it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye did
it to me — What encouragement is here to assist the household of
faith? But let us likewise remember to do good to all men.... [ Continue Reading ]
Depart into the everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and
his angels — Not originally for you: you are intruders into
everlasting fire.... [ Continue Reading ]
Then will they answer — So the endeavour to justify themselves, will
remain with the wicked even to that day!... [ Continue Reading ]
And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous
into life everlasting — Either therefore the punishment is strictly
eternal, or the reward is not: the very same expression being applied
to the former as to the latter. The Judge will speak first to the
righteous, in the audienc... [ Continue Reading ]