Sealed — Both in their own names, and in the name of all the rest.
It may seem strange that Ezra doth not appear among them. But that
might be because he was prevented, by some sickness, or other
extraordinary impediment. It is true, we meet with Ezra after this, at
the dedication of the wall of Jer... [ Continue Reading ]
Their nobles — The commonality agreed with the nobles in this good
work, great men never look so great, as when they encourage religion
and are examples of it: and they would by that, as much as any thing,
make an interest in the most valuable of their inferiors, who would
cleave to them closer than... [ Continue Reading ]
People of the land — The Heathens. On the sabbath — They that
covenant to keep all the commandments of God, must particularly
covenant to keep the sabbath holy. For the profanation of this is a
sure inlet to all manner of profaneness.... [ Continue Reading ]