Nehemiah 5:2

Many — Which is in itself a blessing, but to us is turned into a curse. Take up — We are forced to take up corn, upon unreasonable terms.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:3

The dearth — Which might happen, both from the multitude of the people in and near Jerusalem, from their work, which wholly took them up, and kept them from taking care of their families, and from the expectation of their enemies invasion, which hindered them from going abroad to fetch provision, an... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:5

Our flesh — We are of the same nature, and religion with them, though they treat us as if we were beasts or Heathens. Bondage — We are compelled to sell them for our subsistence. Daughters — Which was an evidence of their great necessity, because their daughters were more tender, and weak, and unfit... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:7

Exact — Which was against the plain and positive law of God, Deuteronomy 23:19, especially in this time of publick calamity. I set — I called a publick congregation, both of the rulers and people, the greatest part whereof were free from this guilt, and therefore more impartial judges of the matter,... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:8

We — I, and my brethren, and predecessors, have used our utmost interest and power, both with the kings of Persia, that our brethren might be redeemed from bondage, and with particular persons in Babylon, and Persia, whose bond — slaves the Jews were, and who would not part with them without a price... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:9

Reproach — Who are round about you, and observe all your actions, and will reproach both you for such barbarous usage of your brethren, and religion for your sakes.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:10

Brethren — In office; these who are employed with me in the government of this people. Servants — In my name, and for my use. Exact — As a just recompense for our pains and care for the publick good, to which we wholly devote ourselves, even to the neglect of all our private concerns. But I freely r... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:11

Also — Also require not: which is to be supplied out of the next verse, where it is expressed in their grant of this desire. Hundredth part — Which they required every month for the use of their monies or goods, according to the custom then used.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:12

Require — For the hundredth part. Priests — As witnesses; that the oath being taken before the priests, who acted in God's name, the oath might make the more deep and durable impression upon their consciences.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:13

My lap — The extreme parts of my garment, which I first folded together, and then shook it and scattered it asunder. This was a form of swearing then in use.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:14

Twelve years — Not that he continued so long together at Jerusalem, but he so long governed Jerusalem by himself when present, and in his absence, by a deputy. The bread — That allowance which by the laws of God and nations, and of the king of Persia, the governors might require.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:15

The former — Not Ezra, who was no governor, nor Zerubbabel, but others between him and Nehemiah, whom he forbears to name. Beside, &c. — Which they required of the people every day to defray their other expenses. Their servants — Ruled them with rigor and cruelty; which fault of the servants is char... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:16

I continued — Overseeing, directing, and encouraging the workmen, which was my whole business; and this at my own cost. Bought — Of our poor brethren, whose necessities gave abundant opportunity of enriching myself with good bargains.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:17

Rulers — Not only Jews of the inferior sort, for whom meaner provisions might suffice, but also their rulers, for whom better provision was fit; who resorted to him upon all occasions, to give him notice of the enemies designs; or to receive his orders.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:18

Required not — But bore it out of my own estate: which was very considerable, his office in the Persian court being a place of great profit.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 5:19

According — As I have done thy people good for thy sake, so do me good for thine own sake; for thou art pleased, and hast promised graciously to reward us according to our works, and to mete to men the same measure which they meet to others.... [ Continue Reading ]

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