Nehemiah 6:4

Four times, &c. — We must never be overcome by the greatest importunity, to do anything ill or imprudent: but when we are attacked with the same temptation, still resist it with the same reason and resolution.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 6:7

A king — We have now a king of our nation. Counsel — That we may impartially examine the matter, that thy innocency may be cleared.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 6:9

Strengthen my hands — A good prayer, when we are entering on any particular services or conflicts in our Christian warfare.... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 6:10

Shut up — In his chamber adjoining to the temple, upon pretence of singular devotion, and communion with God, and withal upon pretence of certain knowledge, by the Spirit of God concerning their approaching danger, from which thy could be safe nowhere but in the temple. For if Nehemiah had done this... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 6:11

As I — I the chief governor, upon whose presence, the very life of the whole city and nation in a great measure depends: I who have professed such resolution, and courage, and confidence in God. I, who have had such eminent experience of God's assistance, of his calling me to this employment, and ca... [ Continue Reading ]

Nehemiah 6:13

And sin — By going into a place forbidden to me, and that in such a manner, which would have been both sinful and shameful. Reproach — As a coward, and conscious of my own guilt, that they might make me contemptible and odious both to my own people, and to the king of Persia.... [ Continue Reading ]

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