Numbers 16:1

The son of Izhar — Amram's brother, Exodus 6:18, therefore Moses and he were cousin germans. Moreover, Izhar was the second son of Kohath, whereas Elizaphan, whom Moses had preferred before him, and made prince or ruler of the Kohathites, Numbers 3:30, was the son of Uzziel, the fourth son of Kohath... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:2

Rose up — That is, conspired together, and put their design in execution. Before Moses — Not obscurely, but openly and boldly, not fearing nor regarding the presence of Moses.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:3

They — Korah, Dathan and Abiram, and the rest, who were all together when Moses spake those words, Numbers 16:5, but after that, Dathan and Abiram retired to their tents, and then Moses sent for Korah and the Levites, who had more colourable pretences to the priesthood, and treats with them apart, a... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:4

On his face — Humbly begging that God would direct and vindicate him. Accordingly God answers his prayers, and strengthens him with new courage, and confidence of success.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:5

To — morrow — Heb. In the morning, the time appointed by men for administering justice, and chosen by God for that work. Some time is allowed, partly that Korah and his company might prepare themselves and their censers, and partly to give them space for consideration and repentance. He will cause h... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:8

Ye sons of Levi — They were of his own tribe, nay, they were of God's tribe. It was therefore the worse in them thus to mutiny against God and against him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:9

To minister to them — So they were the servants both of God and of the church, which was an high dignity, though not sufficient for their ambitious minds.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:12

Dathan and Abiram — To treat with them and give them, as he had done Korah and his company, a timely admonition. Come up — To Moses's tabernacle, whither the people used to go up for judgment. Men are said in scripture phrase to go up to places of judgment.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:14

These men — Of all the people who are of our mind: wilt thou make them blind, or persuade them that they do not see what is visible to all that have eyes, to wit, that thou hast deceived them, and broken thy faith and promise given to them?... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:15

Respect not their offering — Accept not their incense which they are now going to offer, but shew some eminent dislike of it. He calls it their offering, though it was offered by Korah and his companions, because it was offered in the name and by the consent of all the conspirators, for the decision... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:16

Before the Lord — Not in the tabernacle, which was not capable of so many persons severally offering incense, but at the door of the tabernacle, where they might offer it by Moses's direction upon this extraordinary occasion. This work could not be done in that place, which alone was allowed for the... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:18

Fire — Taken from the altar which stood in that place, for Aaron might not use other fire. And it is likely the rememberance of the death of Nadab and Abihu deterred them from offering any strange fire.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:19

Against them — That they might be witnesses of the event, and, upon their success, which they doubted not of, might fall upon Moses and Aaron. And it seems by this that the people were generally incensed against Moses, and inclined to Korah's side. The glory appeared — In the cloud, which then shone... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:22

The spirits — And this is no empty title here, but very emphatical. Thou art the maker of spirits, destroy not thy own workmanship! O thou who art the preserver of men, and of their spirits, the Lord of spirits, Job 12:10, who as thou mayst justly destroy this people, so thou canst preserve whom tho... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:25

Unto Dathan — Because they refused to come to him. The elders — The seventy rulers, whom he carried with him for the greater solemnity of the action, and to encourage them in their work, notwithstanding the obstinate and untractable nature of the people they were to govern.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:27

Stood in the door — An argument of their foolish confidence, obstinacy and impenitency, whereby they declared that they neither feared God, nor reverenced man.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:28

All these works — As the bringing of the people out of Egypt; the conducting of them through the wilderness; the exercising authority among them; and giving laws to them concerning the priesthood.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:29

The death of all men — By a natural death. The visitation of all men — By plague, or sword, or some usual judgment. The Lord hath not sent me — I am content that you take me for an imposter, falsely pretending to be sent of God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:32

All that appertained unto Korah — That is, all his family which were there, women, children, and servants; but his sons, who were spared, Numbers 26:11, Numbers 26:58; 1 Chronicles 6:22, 1 Chronicles 6:37, were absent either upon some service of the tabernacle, or upon some other occasion, God so or... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:37

To Eleazer — Rather than to Aaron, partly because the troublesome part of the work was more proper for him, and partly lest Aaron should be polluted by going amongst those dead carcasses; for it is probable this fire consumed them, as lightning sometimes doth, others, by taking away their lives, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:38

Their own souls — That is, their own lives: who were the authors of their own destruction. The altar — Of burnt — offerings, which was made of wood, but covered with brass before this time, Exodus 27:1, to which this other covering was added for farther ornament, and security against the fire, conti... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:41

On the morrow — Prodigious wickedness and madness so soon to forget such a terrible instance of Divine vengeance! The people of the Lord — So they call those wicked wretches, and rebels against God! Tho' they were but newly saved from sharing in the same punishment, and the survivors were as brands... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:46

Incense — Which was a sign of intercession, and was to be accompanied with it. Go unto the congregation — He went with the incense, to stir up the people to repentance and prayer, to prevent their utter ruin. This he might do upon this extraordinary occasion, having God's command for his warrant, th... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 16:48

The living — Whereby it may seem that this plague, like that fire, Numbers 11:1, began in the uttermost parts of the congregation, and so proceeded destroying one after another in an orderly manner, which gave Aaron occasion and direction so to place himself, as a mediator to God on their behalf.... [ Continue Reading ]

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