Numbers 31:3

Avenge ye the Lord — For the affront which they offered to God, by their own idolatry and lewdness, and by seducing God's people into rebellion against him. God's great care was to avenge the Israelites, Numbers 31:2, and Moses's chief desire was to avenge God rather than himself or the people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 31:5

Twelve thousand — God would send no more, though it is apparent the Midianites were numerous and strong, because he would exercise their trust in him, and give them an earnest of their Canaanitish conquests.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 31:6

Them and Phinehas — Who had the charge not of the army, as general, (an office never committed to a priest in all the Old Testament) but of the holy instruments, and was sent to encourage, and quicken, them in their enterprize. The holy instruments — The holy breast — plate, wherein was the Urim and... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 31:7

All the males — Namely all who lived in those parts, for colonies of them, were sent forth to remoter places, which therefore had no hand either in their former sin, or in this present ruling. And herein they did according to God's own order concerning such people, Deuteronomy 20:13, only their faul... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 31:13

Without the camp — Partly to put respect upon them, and congratulate with them for their happy success; and partly to prevent the pollution of the camp by the untimely entrance of the warriors into it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 31:17

The little ones — Which they were forbidden to do to other people, Deuteronomy 20:14, except the Canaanites, to whom this people had equaled themselves by their horrid crimes, and therefore it is not strange, nor unjust, that God, the supreme Lord of all mens lives, who as he gives them, so may take... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 31:20

Your raiment — Namely, your spoil and prey. All work — All which had contracted some ceremonial uncleanness either from the dead bodies which wore them, or the tents or houses where they were, in which such dead bodies lay, or from the touch of the Israelitish soldiers, who were legally defiled by t... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 31:27

Two parts — The congregation hath some share, because the warriors went in the name of all, and because all having been injured by the Midianites, all were to have some share in the reparations: but the warriors who were but 12000, have a far greater share than their brethren, because they underwent... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 31:30

One of fifty — Whereas the former part was one of five hundred; the reason of the difference is, partly, because this was taken out of the peoples portion, whose hazards being less than the others, their gains also in all reason were to be less: partly because this was to be distributed into more ha... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 31:50

An atonement — For their error noted, Numbers 31:14, and withal for a memorial, or by way of gratitude for such a stupendous assistance and deliverance. We should never take any thing to ourselves in war or trade, of which we cannot in faith consecrate a part to God, who hates robbery for burnt — of... [ Continue Reading ]

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