Numbers 32:17

We ourselves — Either all, or as many as shall be thought necessary, leaving only so many as may be necessary to provide for the sustenance and defence of our wives and children here.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 32:20

Before the Lord — Before the ark, which was the token of God's presence. He alludes either to the order of the tribes in their march, whereby Reuben and Gad marched immediately before the ark, or to the manner of their passage over Jordan, wherein the ark went first into Jordan, and stood there whil... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 32:23

Your sin — The punishment of your sin. Sin will certainly find out the sinner sooner or later. It concerns us therefore to find our sins out, that we may repent of them and forsake them, lest our sins find us out, to our confusion and destruction.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 32:30

They shall have possession — They shall forfeit their possessions in Gilead, and be constrained to go over Jordan, and to seek possessions there among their brethren.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 32:31

As the Lord hath said — Either at this time by thy mouth: or formerly, where he commanded us, as well as our brethren to go into Canaan and possess it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 32:34

Built — Repaired and fortified. For they neither had need nor leisure as yet to do more, the old cities not being burnt and ruined, as divers in Canaan were.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 32:38

Their names changed — Either because conquerers of places used to do so: or because the names of other Gods (which Nebo and Baal — meon unquestionably were) were not to be mentioned, Exodus 23:13.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 32:42

Nobah — Who, though not else where named, was doubtless an eminent person of the tribe of Manasseh. 'Tis observable, that these tribes, as they were placed before the other tribes, so they were displaced before them. They were carried captive by the king of Assyria, some years before the other tribe... [ Continue Reading ]

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