Numbers 33:2

And Moses wrote their goings out — When they set out, God ordered him to keep a journal of all the remarkable occurrences in the way, that it might be a satisfaction to himself and an instruction to others. It may be of use to Christians, to preserve an account of the providences of God concerning t... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 33:4

On their gods — Their false gods, namely those beasts which the brutish Egyptians worshipped as gods, which were killed with the rest, for the first — born both of men and beasts were then killed. Probably their images likewise were thrown down, as Dagon afterward before the ark.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 33:48

Shittim — The place where the people sinned in the matter of Peor, is here called Abel — Shittim — Abel signifies mourning; and probably this place was so called, from the mourning of Israel for that sin, and the heavy punishment inflicted on the sinners.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 33:52

Drive out — Not by banishing, but by destroying them. Pictures — Which seem to have been stones curiously engraven, and set up for worship. High Places — Chapels, altars, groves, or other means of worship there set up.... [ Continue Reading ]

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