Numbers 9:1

In the first month — And therefore before the numbering of the people, which was not till the second month, Numbers 1:1. But it is placed after it, because of a special case relating to the passover, which happened after it, upon occasion whereof he mentions the command of God for keeping the passov... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 9:7

An offering — Which if we neglect, we must be cut off, and if we keep it in these circumstances, we must also be cut off. What shall we do?... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 9:10

Unclean or in a journey — Under these two instances the Hebrews think that other hindrances of like nature are comprehended; as if one be hindered by a disease, or by any other such kind of uncleanness; which may seem probable both from the nature of the thing, and the reason of the law which is the... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 9:15

Namely, the tent of the testimony — Or, the tabernacle above the tent of the testimony, that is, that part of the tabernacle in which was the testimony, or the ark of the testimony; for there the cloudy pillar stood. This was an evident token of God's special presence with, and providence over them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 9:18

The motion or stay of the cloud is fitly called the command of God, because it was a signification of God's will and their duty.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 9:21

When the cloud abode — This is repeated again and again, because it was a constant miracle, and because it is a matter we should take particular notice of, as highly significant and instructive. It is mentioned long after by David, Psalms 105:39, and by the people of God after their captivity, Nehem... [ Continue Reading ]

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