Psalms 102:9

Bread — The sense is, dust and ashes are as familiar to me as the eating of my bread; I cover my head with them; I sit, yea, lie down in them, as mourners often did.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 102:12

Remembrance — Thy name, Jehovah, which is called by this very word, God's remembrance, or memorial, and that unto all generations, Exodus 3:15.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 102:23

He — God. The way — In the midst of the course of our lives. Some think the psalmist here speaks of the whole commonwealth as of one man, and of its continuance, as of the life of one man.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 102:24

I said — Do not wholly destroy thy people Israel. In the midst — Before they come to a full possession of thy promises and especially of that fundamental promise of the Messiah. Thy years — Though we die, yet thou art the everlasting God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 102:28

Continue — Though the heavens and earth perish, yet we rest assured that our children, and their children after them, shall enjoy an happy restitution to, and settlement in their own land.... [ Continue Reading ]

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