Psalms 118:10

Nations — The neighbouring nations, Philistines, Syrians, Ammonites, Moabites, who were stirred up, by the overthrows which David had given some of them, by their jealousy at his growing greatness, and by their hatred against the true religion.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 118:19

Open — O ye porters, appointed by God for this work. The gates — Of the Lord's tabernacle: where the rule of righteousness was kept and taught, and the sacrifices of righteousness were offered.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 118:20

The righteous — As David was a type of Christ and the temple of heaven, so this place hath a farther prospect than David, and relates to Christ's ascending into heaven, and opening the gates of that blessed temple, both for himself and for all believers.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 118:22

The builders — The commonwealth of Israel and the church of God are here and elsewhere compared to a building, wherein, as the people are the stones, so the princes and rulers are the builders. And as these master — builders rejected David, so their successors rejected Christ. Head stone — The chief... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 118:26

Blessed — We pray that God would bless his person and government. Cometh — To the throne; or from his Father into the world: who is known by the name of him that cometh or was to come, and of whom this very word is used, Genesis 49:10; Isaiah 35:4. Name — By commission from him. We — We who are the... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 118:27

The Lord — Or, The mighty God, as this name of God signifies, and as he shewed himself to be by this, his wonderful work. Who — Who hath scattered our dark clouds, and put us into a state of peace, and safety, and happiness. The horns — These are supposed to he made for this very use, that the beast... [ Continue Reading ]

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