Psalms 119:6

Respect — A due respect, which implies hearty affection, diligent study, and constant practice. To all — So as not to allow myself in any known sin, or in the neglect of any known duty.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:9

A young man — Or, any man. But he names the young man, because such are commonly void of wisdom and experience, and exposed to many and great temptations. Cleanse — Purge himself from all filthiness of flesh and spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:11

Hid — I have laid it up in my mind like a choice treasure, to be ready upon all occasions to counsel, quicken or caution me.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:18

Open — Enlighten my mind by the light of thy Holy Spirit, and dispel all ignorance and error. Behold — Those great and marvellous depths of Divine wisdom and goodness, and those profound mysteries of Christ, and God's grace to mankind, and of that everlasting state, which are not to be known but by... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:19

A stranger — I am not here as in my home, but as a pilgrim travelling homeward in a strange land. Commandments — Which are my chief support and guide in my pilgrimage.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:20

Breaketh — Faints, as it frequently does, when a thing vehemently desired is delayed. Judgments — To a more sound knowledge and serious practice of them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:25

The dust — I am in danger of present death: I am like one laid in the grave. Quicken — Preserve my life, or raise me out of the dust. Word — According to thy promise.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:32

Run — I will obey thy precepts with all readiness, fervency, and diligence. Enlarge — When thou shalt replenish my heart with wisdom, and love to thee and thy law.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:36

Covetousness — He mentions this in particular, because it is most opposite to God's testimonies, and does most commonly hinder men from receiving his word, and from profiting by it: and because it is most pernicious, as being the root of all evil.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:37

Vanity — The vain things of this present world, such as riches, honours, pleasures: from beholding them, with desire or affection. Quicken — Make me lively, vigorous and fervent in thy service.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:53

Horror — A mixed passion, made up of abhorrence of their sins, and dread and sorrow at the consideration of the judgments of God coming upon them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:55

Thy name — Thy holy nature and attributes, thy blessed word, and thy wonderful works. In the night — When darkness causes fear in others, I took pleasure in remembering thee; and when others gave themselves up to sleep, my thoughts and affections were working towards thee.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:74

Glad — For the encouragement they have by my example to trust in God. See me — Alive and in safety. Word — In thy promise, and have not been disappointed of my hope.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:91

They — The heaven and the earth. Ordinances — As thou hast appointed. For — All things are subject to thy power and pleasure.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:96

Perfection — Of the greatest and most perfect enjoyments in this world. Commandment — Thy word; one part of it being put for the whole. Broad — Or, large, both for extent, and for continuance: it is useful to all persons: it is of everlasting truth and efficacy; it will never deceive those who trust... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:126

To work — To put forth thy power for the restraint of evil — doers. They — The wicked. Made void — Or, abrogated thy law, have openly cast off its authority.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:129

Wonderful — In regard of the deep mysteries, the most excellent directions, and the exceeding great and precious promises of God contained in them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:136

Rivers — Plentiful tears, witness of my deep sorrow for God's dishonour, and for the miseries which sinners bring upon themselves.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 119:148

Watches — The middle watch, which was set in the middle of the night; and the morning watch, which was set some hours before the dawning of the day.... [ Continue Reading ]

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