Psalms 32:2

Imputeth — Whom God doth not charge with the guilt of his sins, but graciously pardons and accepts him in Christ. No guile — Who freely confesses all his sins, and turns from sin to God with all his heart.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 32:3

Silence — From a full and open confession of my sins. Old — My spirit failed, and the strength of my body decayed. Roaring — Because of the continual horrors of my conscience, and sense of God's wrath.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 32:6

For this — Upon the encouragement of my example. Found — In an acceptable and seasonable time, while God continues to offer grace and mercy. Waters — In the time of great calamities. Not come — So as to overwhelm him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 32:8

I will — This and the next verse seems to be the words of God, whom David brings in as returning this answer to his prayers. Mine eye — So Christ did St. Peter, when he turned and looked upon him.... [ Continue Reading ]

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