Psalms 56:4

Will praise — I will praise the Lord for his word, for his promises of protection and deliverance, made to his people. Flesh — Infirm and mortal men, called flesh by way of contempt, as Psalms 78:39; Isaiah 31:3.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 56:6

They gather — After they have severally employed their thoughts against me, they meet together to compare them, and to put them in execution. Hide — They lurk secretly, that they may pry into my most private actions. Steps — That they may find some occasion to reproach me. Soul — Or, life, to take i... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 56:7

Escape — Shall they secure themselves by injurious and malicious practices. The people — These who are mine enemies.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 56:8

Wanderings — How I have been hunted from place to place. Put — Regard and pity them. Are they not — But why do I pray to God to do that which he hath already done?... [ Continue Reading ]

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