Psalms 78:2

Parable — Weighty sentences. Dark sayings — Not that the words are hard to be understood, but the things, God's transcendent goodness, their unparallel'd ingratitude; and their stupid ignorance and insensibleness, under such excellent teachings of God's word and works, are prodigious and hard to be... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:5

Established — This is justly put in first place, as the chief of all his mercies. A testimony — His law, called a testimony, because it is a witness between God and men, declaring the duties which God expects from man, and the blessings which man may expect from God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:9

Ephraim — That Ephraim is here put for all Israel seems evident from the following verses, wherein the sins, upon which this overthrow is charged, are manifestly the sins of all the children of Israel, and they who are here called Ephraim are called Jacob and Israel, Psalms 78:21, and this passage m... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:18

Tempted — Desired a proof of God's power. Lust — Not for their necessary subsistence, but out of an inordinate and luxurious appetite.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:33

Vanity — In tedious and fruitless marches hither and thither. Trouble — In manifold diseases, dangers, and perplexities.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:42

Hand — The glorious works of his hand. Enemy — That remarkable day, in which God delivered them from their greatest enemy, Pharaoh.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:45

Flies — These flies were doubtless extraordinary in their nature, and hurtful qualities. And the like is to be thought concerning the frogs.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:47

Sycamore — trees — Under these and the vines, all other trees are comprehended. This hail and frost destroyed the fruit of the trees, and sometimes the trees themselves.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:54

Holy place — The land of Canaan, separated by God from all other lands. Mountain — The mountainous country of Canaan; the word mountain is often used in scripture for a mountainous country.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:60

Shiloh — Which was placed in Shiloh. Among men — Whereby he insinuates both God's wonderful condescension, and their stupendous folly in despising so glorious a privilege.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:61

His strength — The ark, called God's strength, 1 Chronicles 16:11, because it was the sign and pledge of his strength put forth on his people's behalf. Glory — So the ark is called, as being the monument and seat of God's glorious presence. Enemies — The Philistines.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:64

Priests — Hophni and Phinehas. No lamentation — No funeral solemnities; either because they were prevented by their own death, as the wife of Phinehas was, or disturbed by the invasion of the enemy.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:66

Smote — Them with the piles. Reproach — He caused them to perpetuate their own reproach by sending back the ark of God with their golden emrods, the lasting monuments of their shame.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:67

Refused — He would not have his ark to abide any longer in the tabernacle of Shiloh, which was in the tribe of Joseph or Ephraim.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:69

Sanctuary — The temple of Solomon. Palaces — Magnificent and gloriously. Established — Not now to be moved from place to place, as the tabernacle was, but as a fixed place for the ark's perpetual residence.... [ Continue Reading ]

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