Psalms 80:1

Joseph — The children of Joseph or Israel. The name of Joseph, the most eminent of the patriarchs, is elsewhere put for all the tribes. Cherubim — Which were by the mercy seat above the ark.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 80:2

Before Ephraim — Here is an allusion to the ancient situation of the tabernacle in the wilderness, where these tribes were placed on the west — side of the tabernacle, in which the ark was, which consequently was before them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 80:17

Be — To protect and strengthen him. Right — hand — Benjamin signifies the son of the right hand, a dearly beloved son, as Benjamin was to Jacob. Son of man — The people of Israel, who are often spoken of as one person, as God's son and first — born.... [ Continue Reading ]

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