Psalms 87:2

Zion — That is, Zion itself, or Jerusalem, which was built upon and near mount Zion. He saith Zion rather than Jerusalem, to intimate that he loved Jerusalem for Zion's sake, or for the temple, which he chose for his peculiar dwelling place.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 87:4

Rahab — Egypt, so called, either from its pride or natural strength. Babylon — Under these two and Philistia, the constant enemies of Israel, he seems to understand all the enemies of the church of God, who shall now be not only reconciled but united to them. Arabia — The nations on every side of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 87:5

Zion — Of Jerusalem, or the church of God. Said — It shall be acknowledged. Man — Heb. Man and man, all sorts of men without difference of nations. Establish — And this shall not be a transient, but a lasting work; Zion shall continue in its strength and fertility because the Almighty God is her fou... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 87:6

When — When God, the maker and governor of this city shall take a survey of all his citizens. It is an allusion to princes or governors of cities that use to write and keep a register of all their people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 87:7

Singers — There shall be great rejoicing and praising God, both with vocal and instrumental musick, for this glorious work of the conversion of the Gentiles. He describe's evangelical worship, by legal phrases and customs, as the prophets frequently do. In thee — In Zion or the church. These words m... [ Continue Reading ]

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