For — There is no other way of obtaining life and salvation. Having laid down his proposition, the apostle now enters upon the proof of it. His first argument is, The law condemns all men, as being under sin. None therefore is justified by the works of the law. This is treated of Romans 3:20. And hence he infers, Therefore justification is by faith. The wrath of God is revealed — Not only by frequent and signal interpositions of divine providence, but likewise in the sacred oracles, and by us, his messengers. From heaven — This speaks the majesty of Him whose wrath is revealed, his all — seeing eye, and the extent of his wrath: whatever is under heaven is under the effects of his wrath, believers in Christ excepted. Against all ungodliness and unrighteousness — These two are treated of, Romans 1:23, &c. Of men — He is speaking here of the gentiles, and chiefly the wisest of them. Who detain the truth — For it struggles against their wickedness. In unrighteousness — The word here includes ungodliness also.

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