Romans 13:1

St. Paul, writing to the Romans, whose city was the seat of the empire, speaks largely of obedience to magistrates: and this was also, in effect, a public apology for the Christian religion. Let every soul be subject to the supreme powers — An admonition peculiarly needful for the Jews. Power, in th... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 13:2

Whosoever resisteth the power — In any other manner than the laws of the community direct. Shall receive condemnation — Not only from the magistrate, but from God also.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 13:3

For rulers are — In the general, notwithstanding some particular exceptions. A terror to evil works — Only. Wouldest thou then not be afraid — There is one fear which precedes evil actions, and deters from them: this should always remain. There is another fear which follows evil actions: they who do... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 13:6

For this cause — Because they are the ministers (officers) of God for the public good. This very thing — The public good.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 13:7

To all — Magistrates. Tribute — Taxes on your persons or estates. Custom — For goods exported or imported. Fear — Obedience. Honour — Reverence. All these are due to the supreme power.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 13:8

From our duty to magistrates he passes on to general duties. To love one another — An eternal debt, which can never be sufficiently discharged; but yet if this be rightly performed, it discharges all the rest. For he that loveth another — As he ought. Hath fulfilled the whole law — Toward his neighb... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 13:9

If there be any other — More particular. Commandment — Toward our neighbour; as there are many in the law. It is summed up in this — So that if you was not thinking of it, yet if your heart was full of love, you would fulfil it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 13:11

And do this — Fulfil the law of love in all the instances above mentioned. Knowing the season — Full of grace, but hasting away. That it is high time to awake out of sleep — How beautifully is the metaphor carried on! This life, a night; the resurrection, the day; the gospel shining on the heart, th... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 13:14

But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ — Herein is contained the whole of our salvation. It is a strong and beautiful expression for the most intimate union with him, and being clothed with all the graces which were in him. The apostle does not say, Put on purity and sobriety, peacefulness and benevole... [ Continue Reading ]

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