Romans 5:1

Being justified by faith — This is the sum of the preceding chapters. We have peace with God — Being enemies to God no longer, Romans 5:10; neither fearing his wrath, Romans 5:9. We have peace, hope, love, and power over sin, the sum of the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth chapters. These are the f... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:3

We glory in tribulations also — Which we are so far from esteeming a mark of God's displeasure, that we receive them as tokens of his fatherly love, whereby we are prepared for a more exalted happiness. The Jews objected to the persecuted state of the Christians as inconsistent with the people of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:5

Hope shameth us not — That is, gives us the highest glorying. We glory in this our hope, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts — The divine conviction of God's love to us, and that love to God which is both the earnest and the beginning of heaven. By the Holy Ghost — The efficient cau... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:6

How can we now doubt of God's love? For when we were without strength — Either to think, will, or do anything good. In due time — Neither too soon nor too late; but in that very point of time which the wisdom of God knew to be more proper than any other. Christ died for the ungodly — Not only to set... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:7

A just man — One who gives to all what is strictly their due The good man — One who is eminently holy; full of love, of compassion, kindness, mildness, of every heavenly and amiable temper. Perhaps — one — would — even — dare to die — Every word increases the strangeness of the thing, and declares e... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:8

But God recommendeth — A most elegant expression. Those are wont to be recommended to us, who were before either unknown to, or alienated from, us. While we were sinners — So far from being good, that we were not even just.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:9

By his blood — By his bloodshedding. We shall be saved from wrath through him — That is, from all the effects of the wrath of God. But is there then wrath in God? Is not wrath a human passion? And how can this human passion be in God? We may answer this by another question: Is not love a human passi... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:10

If — As sure as; so the word frequently signifies; particularly in this and the eighth chapter. We shalt be saved — Sanctified and glorified. Through his life — Who "ever liveth to make intercession for us.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:11

And not only so, but we also glory — The whole sentence, Romans 5:3, may be taken together thus: We not only "rejoice in hope of the glory of God," but also in the midst of tribulations we glory in God himself through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the reconciliation.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:12

Therefore — This refers to all the preceding discourse; from which the apostle infers what follows. He does not therefore properly make a digression, but returns to speak again of sin and of righteousness. As by one man — Adam; who is mentioned, and not Eve, as being the representative of mankind. S... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:13

For until the law sin was in the world — All, I say, had sinned, for sin was in the world long before the written law; but, I grant, sin is not so much imputed, nor so severely punished by God, where there is no express law to convince men of it. Yet that all had sinned, even then, appears in that a... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:14

Death reigned — And how vast is his kingdom! Scarce can we find any king who has as many subjects, as are the kings whom he hath conquered. Even over them that had not sinned after the likeness of Adam's transgression — Even over infants who had never sinned, as Adam did, in their own persons; and o... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:15

Yet not — St. Paul now describes the difference between Adam and Christ; and that much more directly and expressly than the agreement between them. Now the fall and the free gift differ, In amplitude, Romans 5:15. He from whom sin came, and He from whom the free gift came, termed also "the gift of r... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:16

The sentence was by one offence to Adam's condemnation — Occasioning the sentence of death to pass upon him, which, by consequence, overwhelmed his posterity. But the free gift is of many offences unto justification — Unto the purchasing it for all men, notwithstanding many offences.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:17

There is a difference between grace and the gift. Grace is opposed to the offence; the gift, to death, being the gift of life.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:19

As by the disobedience of one man many (that is, all men) were constituted sinners — Being then in the loins of their first parent, the common head and representative of them all. So by the obedience of one — By his obedience unto death; by his dying for us. Many — All that believe. Shall be constit... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:20

The law came in between — The offence and the free gift. That the offence might abound — That is, the consequence (not the design) of the law's coming in was, not the taking away of sin, but the increase of it. Yet where sin abounded, grace did much more abound — Not only in the remission of that si... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:21

That as sin had reigned — so grace also might reign — Which could not reign before the fall; before man had sinned. Through righteousness to eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord — Here is pointed out the source of all our blessings, the rich and free grace of God. The meritorious cause; not any wor... [ Continue Reading ]

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