Behold — These words are evidently spoken by the bridegroom. Fair — Being clothed with my righteousness, and adorned with all the graces of my spirit. Fair — He repeats it both to confirm his assertion, and to shew the fervency of his affection. Dove's eyes — Whereas the beauty of the spouse is here described in her several parts, we need not labour much about the application of each particular to some distinct grace of the church, this being the chief design of the description to shew that compleatness and absolute perfection which the church hath in part received, and shall more fully receive in the future life. Goats — Which in these parts was of extraordinary length, and softness, and comeliness. Mount Gilead — A very fruitful place, fit for breeding all sorts of cattle, and especially of goats, because it was an hilly and woody country.

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