Tertullian The Prescription Against Heretics

For he shows us that it was owing to the prospect of the greater evil that he readily believed the existence of the lighter ones; and so far indeed was he from believing, in respect of evils (of such a kind), that heresies were good, that his object was to forewarn us that we ought not to be surprised at temptations of even a worse stamp, since (he said) they tended "to make manifest all such as were approved; "[43]

Tertullian The Prescription Against Heretics

These were the ingenious arts of "spiritual wickednesses,"[410]

Tertullian Against Marcion Book V

If, however, the angels of the rival god are referred to, what fear is there for them? for not even Marcion's disciples, (to say nothing of his angels,) have any desire for women. We have often shown before now, that the apostle classes heresies as evil[345]

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Old Testament