Tertullian Against Marcion Book V

the man was an offender" who had his father's wife."[290]

Tertullian On Modesty

Thus He has not prohibited judging, but taught (how to do it). Whence the apostle withal judges, and that in a case of fornication,[41]

Origen Against Celsus Book VI

e Egyptians also were guilty of error, because they had indeed solemn enclosures around what they considered their temples, while within them there was nothing save apes, or crocodiles, or goats, or asps, or some other animal; but on the present occasion it pleases him to speak of the Egyptian people too as most divinely inspired, and that, too, from the earliest times,-perhaps because they made war upon the Jews from an early date. The Persians, moreover, who marry their own mothers,[402]

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Old Testament