Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians

a destroyer of the vineyard of Christ. Have no fellowship[17]

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV

And we have the precept: "If any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such an one no not to eat."[395]

Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book II

Thus the apostle, in his solicitude for us, discriminates in the case of entertainments, saying, that "if any one called a brother be found a fornicator, or an adulterer, or an idolater, with such an one not to eat; "[31]

Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III

Unde prae clare Apostolus: "Scripsi," inquit, "vobis in epistola, non conversari cure fornicatoribus,"[222]

Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

I shall not be sorry to meet him, and before anything else to point out to him the force of the law figuratively interpreted, which, in this example of a leper (who was not to be touched, but was rather to be removed from all intercourse with others), prohibited any communication with a person who was defiled with sins, with whom the apostle also forbids us even to eat food,[237]

Tertullian To His Wife Book II

and are to be excluded from all communication with the brotherhood, in accordance with the letter of the apostle, who says that "with persons of that kind there is to be no taking of food even."[24]

The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs III

The offerings of the Lord will ye rob, and from His portion will ye steal; and before ye sacrifice to the Lord, ye will take the choicest parts, in despitefulness eating them with harlots. Amid excesses[24]

The First Epistle of Pope Fabian

In like manner keep yourselves separate from all those of whom the apostle makes mention when he says, "with such persons, no, not to eat; "[7]

The Second Epistle of Pope Fabian

Those also are to be dealt with in like manner of whom he says, "With such persons, no, not to eat; "[18]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XIII

But another, also attending closely to the expression, and not wishing to introduce these extraneous thoughts, nor admitting that it is spoken about every sin, will say, that he who commits those great sins is not a brother, even if he be called a brother, as the Apostle says, "If any one that is named a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, etc., with such an one not to eat; "[192]

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Old Testament