Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV

And again: "Now, as concerning virgins, I have no commandment from the Lord; yet I give my judgment, as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful."[182]

Shepherd of Hermas Similitude Fifth

[Keep the commandments of the Lord, and you will be approved, and inscribed amongst the number of those who observe His commands.] And if you do any good beyond what is commanded by God,[6]

Methodius Discourse III. Thaleia

I have now brought to an end what I have to say respecting continence and marriage and chastity, and intercourse with men, and in which of these there is help towards progress in righteousness; but it still remains to speak concerning virginity-if, indeed, anything be prescribed on this subject. Let us then treat this subject also; for it stands thus:[50]

Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book IV

Concerning virginity we have received no commandment;[36]

Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book VIII


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