Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III

Idem autem ilia quoque scribit: "Alligatus es uxori? ne quaeras solutionem. Solutus es ab uxore? ne quaeras uxorem."[69]

Tertullian Against Marcion Book V

and advises the continuance therein rather than the dissolution there of.[308]

Tertullian To His Wife Book I

restore what God has put an end to? Why do you, by repeating the servitude of matrimony, spurn the liberty which is offered you? "You have been bound to a wife,"[76]

Tertullian To His Wife Book I

sap the apostle; "seek not loosing. You have been loosed from a wife;[77]

Tertullian On Exhortation to Chastity

However, touching second marriage, we know plainly that the apostle has pronounced: "Thou t been loosed from a wife; seek not a wife. But if thou shalt marry, thou wilt not sin."[19]

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Old Testament