Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III

ipse quoque "cadat." De secundis autum nuptiis: "Si uraris," inquit Apostolus, "jungere matrimonio."[7]

Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III

Fortasse autem quoniam iis, qui juste vivunt, resistit propter aemulationem, et adversus eos contendit, volens eos ad suos ordines traducere, per laboriosam continentiam eis vult praebere occasionera. Merito ergo dicit: "Melius est matrimonio jungi quam uri,"[178]

Tertullian Against Marcion Book V

yet permits the contraction of marriage and the enjoyment of it,[307]

Tertullian On Modesty

t discipline in the persons of our females rather by defilements of the flesh than tortures; wishing to wrest from them that which they hold dearer than life! But now this glory is being extinguished, and that by means of those who ought with all the more constancy to refuse concession of any pardon to defilements of this kind, that they make the fear of succumbing to adultery and fornication their reason for marrying as often as they please-since "better it is to marry than to burn."[14]

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Old Testament