NT References in the Ante-Nicene Fathers
2 Peter 1:21
Hippolytus Dogmatical and Historical Fragments
in union with them, and when moved by Him the prophets announced what God willed. For they spake not of their own power[11]
Hippolytus Dogmatical and Historical Fragments
in union with them, and when moved by Him the prophets announced what God willed. For they spake not of their own power[11]
2 PETER 1:21 avpo. qeou/ {A} The reading that best accounts for the origin of the others is avpo. qeou/, which is read by î72 B P 614 1739 syrh copbo arm _al_. The reading a[gioi qeou/ ...
Verse 2 Peter 1:21. _FOR THE PROPHECY CAME NOT IN OLD TIME_] That is, in any former time, by the will of man-by a man's own searching, conjecture, or calculation; but holy men of God-persons separate...
FOR THE PROPHECY CAME NOT IN OLD TIME - Margin, or, “at any.” The Greek word (ποτὲ pote) will bear either construction. It would be true in either sense, but the reference is particularly to the reco...
ANALYSIS AND ANNOTATIONS I. THE GRACIOUS PROVISIONS OF GOD CHAPTER 1 _ 1. God's gracious provisions in Christ (2 Peter 1:1)_ 2. The development of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:5) 3. The promises o...
THE MAN WHO OPENED DOORS (2 Peter 1:1) _ 1:1 Symeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, writes this letter to those to whom there has been allotted a faith equal in honour and privilege wit...
So this mikes the word of the prophets still more certain for us; and you will do well to pay attention to it, as it shines like a lamp in a dingy place, until the day dawns and the Morning Star rises...
IN OLD TIME. at any time. Greek. _pote._ BY. No preposition. Dative case. WILL. App-102. MAN. App-123. HOLY. Omit. OF. The texts read _apo,_ from. SPAKE. App-121. MOVED. borne along. Greek. _ph...
_For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man_ More accurately, FOR PROPHECY WAS NOT SENT (or BORNE) AT ANY TIME BY THE WILL OF MAN. The article before "prophecy" in the Greek simply gives...
ΘΕΛΉΜΑ (G2307) воля. Здесь instr. _dat._ ΉΝΈΧΘΗ _aor. ind. pass. от_ ΦΈΡΩ (G5342) нести. Нести, передавать или изрекать божественные откровения, кроме того, может иметь значение "производить" "порожда...
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. CAME NOT IN OLD TIME, [ ou (G3756) ... eenecthee (G5342) pote (G4218)] - 'wa...
VERSE 21. FOR THE PROPHECY CAME NOT IN OLD TIME. I give you the reason now why the prophecies were not self-solving: because they came not as the will of man. But the prophet the holy man of God spake...
The program of prophecy has gradually become clearer with added revelation. The preexile prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah know only...
1:21 ever (k-5) Or 'heretofore.' uttered (l-6) As 'uttered' in vers. 17 and 18. See Note h. of (m-21) Lit. 'spake as borne by;' from the same Greek root as 'uttered,' vers. 17,18, and again in this ve...
GREEETING. THANKSGIVING. EXHORTATION TO PROGEESS IN RIGHTEOUSNESS FROM ONE WHO REMEMBERS JESUS CHRIST 2 Peter 1 may be subdivided into two parts: (_a_) 2 Peter 1:1, greeting followed by a declaration...
JESUS WILL RETURN PETER’S SECOND LETTER _HILDA BRIGHT AND HELEN POCOCK_ ABOUT THIS LETTER THE WRITER Peter wrote this letter. His name used to be Simon, but Jesus changed it to Peter (John 1:42...
Peter explained why people could trust the *prophets’ message. Jeremiah 23:16 says that the false *prophets of the *Old Testament spoke ‘from their own minds’. They did not speak words that came from...
(16-21) The certainty of Christ’s coming again is the basis of these exhortations; and that certainty is proved (1) by the Transfiguration, which was an anticipation of His coming again in glory; (2)...
FOR THE PROPHECY CAME NOT IN OLD TIME. — Rather, _For prophecy was never sent,_ or _brought._ Wiclif and Rheims alone have “brought”; all the rest “came.” The verb is the same as that used of the voic...
CHAPTER 22 THE LAMP SHINING IN A DARK PLACE 2 Peter 1:19 THE rendering of the first words in this passage must be reckoned among the distinct improvements of the Revised Version. As the translation...
οὐ γὰρ θελήματι ἀνθρώπου ἠνέχθη προφητεία ποτέ. With ἠνέχθη _cf._ 2 Peter 1:17-18. ἀλλὰ ὑπὸ πνεύμ … φερόμενοι, _cf._ Acts 2:2. ὥσπερ φερομένης πνοῆς βιαίας. Here we have the only reference to the Holy...
_The Transfiguration confirms Prophecy_. “Thus we have still further confirmation of the words of the prophets, a fact to which you would do well to give heed, as to a lamp shining in a murky place, m...
“EYE-WITNESSES OF HIS MAJESTY” 2 Peter 1:12 Peter could never forget what the Master had predicted of his death. See John 21:18. Oh, that in our death, whatever be its mode, we may glorify God! The f...
This Epistle was addressed to the same persons as was the first. Its purpose was to strengthen them in view of dangers threatening them within the Church. The apostle addressed them as having 'like pr...
RELIABLE TRUTHS Peter has been talking about writing this epistle to them so they would remember the important doctrines he, and others, had previously taught them. Now, he tells the reason for wantin...
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but (p) holy men of God spake [as they were] (q) moved by the Holy Ghost. (p) The godly interpreters and messengers. (q) Inspired by God: th...
For prophecy came not by the will of man at any time. This is to shew that they are not to be expounded by any one's private judgment, because every part of the holy Scriptures is delivered to us by t...
REFLECTIONS Blessed and Holy Lord God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Praised be our Covenant God in Christ, for his unspeakable gift. What everlasting love, adoration, and praise, do thy peopl...
"We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: (20) Knowin...
In the second Epistle of Peter (and here I must be brief, because of the hour; and I may be brief because Jude will afford us a further consideration of it) we have the same substantial truth of God's...
_THE DAY STAR_ ‘And the day star arise in your hearts.’ 2 Peter 1:19 We should leave our subject very incomplete if we did not go on from ‘the day dawn’ to ‘the day star.’ It fills up the interim,...
_HOW THE SCRIPTURES WERE WRITTEN_ ‘Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.’ 2 Peter 1:21 Here we have the apostolic definition of the work of inspiration, and by that definition...
_But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. _They did not of themselves, or according to their own will, foolishly deliver their own inventions. The meaning is, that the beginning...
The Second Epistle of Peter is even more simple than the First. Like those of Jude and John, it is written essentially with a view to the seducers, who, with large promises of liberty, beguiled souls...
FOR THE PROPHECY,.... The whole Scripture, all the prophetic writings; so the Jews call the Scriptures הנבואה, "the prophecy" g, by way of eminence, and from the subject matter of the sacred word: CA...
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake _as they were_ moved by the Holy Ghost. Ver. 21. _As they were moved_] φερομενοι. Forcibly moved, acted, carried ou...
_Knowing this first_ That you may not rashly or ignorantly put a sense upon any part of the prophetic writings, not intended by the Divine Spirit which dictated them; _that no prophecy of the Scriptur...
As the Holy Ghost is the author of scripture prophecies, they cannot be made to mean whatever men may choose, or any thing except what God intended, and what in his providence has been or will be exac...
The sure word of prophecy:...
for THE PROPHECY CAME NOT IN OLD TIME BY THE WILL OF MAN; BUT HOLY MEN OF GOD SPAKE AS THEY WERE MOVED BY THE HOLY GHOST. One reason for the acceptance of the doctrine as taught by him St. Peter has g...
Peter writes not only as an apostle (as in his first epistle), but as a bondman and apostle. So authority is not only stressed, but lowliness of subjection, a precious reminder in days of deter-mined...
IN OLD TIME: Or, at any time...
_ 2 Peter 1:21 ‘for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.'_ ‘FOR' -Which defines ‘who' is under consideration in the statement, ‘one's ow...
16-21 The gospel is no weak thing, but comes in power, Romans 1:16. The law sets before us our wretched state by sin, but there it leaves us. It discovers our disease, but does not make known the cur...
THE PROPHECY; the prophetical writings, or word of prophecy, 2 PETER 1:19. CAME NOT IN OLD TIME BY THE WILL OF MAN; the prophets spake not of themselves what and when they pleased. BUT HOLY MEN OF GOD...
2 Peter 1:21 for G1063 prophecy G4394 never G3756 G4218 came G5342 (G5681) will G2307 man G444 but...
‘Knowing this first, that no prophecy of scripture is of that person's own explanation, for no prophecy ever came by the will of man, but men spoke from God, being moved by the Holy Spirit.' For they...
HIS HONOUR AND GLORY IS ALSO WITNESSED TO BY THE PROPHETS (2 PETER 1:19). And all this had been previously confirmed by the prophets which had prophesied of His coming and His glory. This was no Hell...
The writer next expresses his resolution to use the brief portion of life now remaining to him in recalling the attention of his readers to the great truths to which he has been referring, and in maki...
2 Peter 1:21. FOR NOT BY MAN'S WILL WAS PROPHECY BORNE AT ANY TIME. The statement is more absolute than it is made to appear in the A. V. The phrase ‘not of old time' means ‘never,' or ‘not at any tim...
FOR (γαρ). The reason for the previous statement that no prophet starts a prophecy himself. He is not a self-starter.CAME (ηνεχθη). First aorist passive indicative of φερω (verses 2 Peter 1:17).B...
2 Peter 1:21 An Inspired Definition of Inspiration. It is a definition of inspiration, a definition simple, precise, exhaustive. "Men spoke" spoke without ceasing (even for the moment of speaking) to...
2 Peter 1:16. _For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty._ There is need in th...
2 Peter 1:9. _But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off,_ He is short-sighted; he has some light, and some physical sight, but he cannot see to a distance; spiritually, he is...
2 Peter 1:1. _Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ:_ Peter here...
CONTENTS: The great Christian virtues. God's Word exalted. CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Peter. CONCLUSION: The Christian should be diligent to add one Christian grace to another that he may bring glory...
2 Peter 1:1. _Simon Peter,_ the Greek is Symeon, as in two other places of the Greek text. _To them that have obtained like precious faith,_ the christians of every name. _Through the righteousness of...
FOR NO PROPHETIC MESSAGE. _MacKnight_ says: "For never, either anciently or lately, was prophecy uttered by the will of the prophet, but the holy prophets of God spoke their prophecies, being inspired...
2 PETER—NOTE ON 2 PETER 1:21 No biblical PROPHECY was ever PRODUCED merely because someone wanted to prophesy (BY THE WILL OF MAN). God gave the words of Scripture through men who “spoke” a
2 PETER—NOTE ON 2 PETER 1:12 Peter’s Reminder to the Churches. Peter contrasts the truth about Christ and the falsehood of man-made myths. In light of this certain truth, the church should focus on li...
_CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL NOTES_ 2 Peter 1:16. FABLES.—Legends, myths. With special reference to the narrative of the marvels of the Transfiguration. COMING.—Whether this looks backward or onward is n...
EXPOSITION 2 PETER 1:1 SIMON PETER. "Symeon" seems to be the best-supported spelling in this place. The same form of the name is found in Luke 2:25 and Acts 13:1; it also occurs in...
Second Peter. Simon Peter (2 Peter 1:1), The name Simon, of course, was the given name. Peter is the name that Jesus gave to him. He is, a bondslave and an apostle (2 Peter 1:1) It seems that bond...
1 Chronicles 23:14; 1 Kings 13:1; 1 Kings 17:18; 1 Kings 17:24;...
Came [η ν ε χ θ η]. Lit., was born or brought. See on vv. 17, 18. Holy men of God [α γ ι ο ι θ ε ο υ α ν θ ρ ω π ο ι]. The best texts omit holy, and read ajpo qeou, from God. Render, as Rev., men spa...
A CALL TO GREATER THINGS 2 Peter 1:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS 1. The author of the Epistle. It is most refreshing and certainly inspiring to open the Bible and find an Epistle which is indited by the Hol...
For prophecy came not of old by the will of man — Of any mere man whatever. But the holy men of God — Devoted to him, and set apart by him for that purpose, spake and wrote. Being moved — Literally, c...