Shepherd of Hermas Similitude Fifth

[Keep the commandments of the Lord, and you will be approved, and inscribed amongst the number of those who observe His commands.] And if you do any good beyond what is commanded by God,[6]

Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book VII

Now all men, having the same judgment, some, following the Word speaking, frame for themselves proofs; while others, giving themselves up to pleasures, wrest Scripture, in accordance with their lusts.[162]

Tertullian The Prescription Against Heretics

Now, unquestionably, the Divine Scriptures are more fruitful in resources of all kinds for this sort of facility. Nor do I risk contradiction in saying[415]

Tertullian On Fasting

But all these (instances) I believe to be unknown to those who are in a state of agitation at our proceedings; or else known by the reading alone, not by careful study as well; in accordance with the greater bulk of "the unskilled"[89]

Lactantius Divine Institutes Book II

The sum of the matter is this: The unlearned and the foolish esteem false religions as true, because they neither know the true nor understand the false.[28]

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Old Testament