NT References in the Ante-Nicene Fathers
2 Timothy 1:6
Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
of God, and stirring up[7]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
of the love of God towards man, and stirring up[13]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
of God, and stirring up[7]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
of the love of God towards man, and stirring up[13]
Verse 6. _STIR UP THE GIFT OF GOD, WHICH IS IN THEE_] The gift which Timothy had received was the Holy Spirit; and through him, a particular power to preach and defend the truth. This gift is represe...
THAT THOU STIR UP THE GIFT OF GOD - Greek, That thou “kindle up” as a fire. The original word used here denotes the kindling of a fire, as by bellows, etc. It is not uncommon to compare piety to a fla...
ANALYSIS AND ANNOTATIONS I. PAUL'S PERSONAL WORD TO TIMOTHY CHAPTER 1 _ 1. Paul's affectionate words and confidence (2 Timothy 1:1)_ 2. Difficulties and assurance (2 Timothy 1:6) 3. Holding the fo...
2 Timothy 1:6 to 2 Timothy 2:13. APPEAL TO TIMOTHY FOR COURAGE IN FACE OF DIFFICULTIES. (_a_) 2 Timothy 1:6. DIRECT APPEAL, BASED ON TIMOTHY'S ORDINATION GIFT. The false teachers have created a situat...
This is a letter from Paul, who was made an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and whose apostleship was designed to make known to all men God's promise of real life in Christ Jesus, to Timot...
WHEREFORE. on account of (App-104) which cause. PUT., IN REMEMBRANCE. Greek. _anamimnisko._ See 1 Corinthians 4:17. STIR UP. Lit, stir into flame. Greek. _anasdpureo._ Only here. GIFT. App-184....
_Wherefore I put thee in remembrance_ More decidedly FOR WHICH CAUSE. It will break the whole delicacy and tenderness of the exhortation, unless the cause be taken as the thankful recognition of Timot...
Timothy's inheritance of Personal Faith and Ministerial Gifts a double ground of Appeal From what St Paul was himself follows now the first appeal to Timothy, based on his affectionate remembrance of...
ΔΙʼ ἫΝ ΑἸΤΊΑΝ, _for the which cause_, sc. on account of the unfeigned faith inherited and possessed by Timothy, of which the Apostle has just been reminded. The phrase διʼ ἣν αἰτίαν does not occur in...
ΑΙΤΊΑ (G156) причина, повод, ΆΝΑΜΙΜΝΉΣΚΩ (G363) _praes. ind. act._ напоминать, заставлять вспомнить. Предложное сочетание имеет причинное значение (МН, 295). ΆΝΑΖΩΠΥΡΕΪ́ΝPRAES. _act. inf. от_ ΆΝΑΖΩ...
STIR UP THE GIFT OF GOD, &C.— The word 'Αναζωπυρειν properly signifies _to blow_ or _stir up a fire,_ when it is almost dead, or does not burn sufficiently. Possibly there might be some danger, lest t...
PART ONE _Exhortations 1:6-2:26_ 1. DO NOT BE ASHAMED 2 Timothy 1:6-18 a. Timothy 2 Timothy 1:6-11 _TEXT 1:6-11_ 6 For which cause I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, wh...
Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. WHEREFORE, [ di' (G1223) heen (G3739) aitian (G156)] - 'For which cause,' name...
2 Timothy had been with the apostle in Rome, whence he was probably sent to Philippi (Php_2:19). The most loving and intimate relations existed between them, and Paul continually refers to him as his...
1:6 rekindle (e-10) 'To revive, rekindle, what is drooping.' see Genesis 45:27 . The whole subject of the epistle is energy in the darkening state of the assembly....
Exhortation to firmness in his glorious calling. 6. Stir up] as a fire that is beginning to die down. THE GIFT OF GOD] which he received at his ordination by the laying on of the hands of St. Paul and...
EXPRESSIONS OF AFFECTION AND EXHORTATIONS TO FAITHFULNESS 1, 2. Salutation. According to the promise of life] St. Paul declares himself appointed an Apostle with the view of his spreading the knowled...
WHEREFORE I PUT THEE IN REMEMBRANCE. — _Wherefore_ (_seeing that I am so thoroughly persuaded of thy faith_)_ I am determined to put thee in remembrance_... It seems, from the general tenor of the Epi...
CHAPTER 27 2 Timothy THE CHARACTER AND CONTENTS OF THE LAST EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL-THE NEMESIS OF NEGLECTED GIFTS. - 2 Timothy 1:6 IN the Second Epistle to Timothy we have the last known words of St. P...
διʼ ἣν αἰτίαν : not so much “because I am persuaded of thine unfeigned faith” (Theoph., Thdrt.), as, “because this faith does of a surety dwell in thee”. We are most fruitfully stimulated to noble act...
I know that your weak point is deficiency in moral courage. Be braced, therefore, by the assurance that I am constantly thinking with thankfulness and prayer about your genuine and inborn faith; and b...
“STIR UP THE GIFT WHICH IS IN THEE” 2 Timothy 1:1 Lonely and facing death the Apostle fell back on the bedrock of the will of God. If it were the divine plan that he should finish his life-work in th...
The second letter to Timothy was written from prison. Paul, conscious of the evil existing in the Church, forecast the terrible days that were coming. He was conscious also of the grave responsibility...
TIMOTHY'S FAITH AND FAMILY HISTORY Paul served God, as his fathers had, with a pure, or clear conscience (Acts 23:1; Acts 24:16). The apostle's actions were always in accord with that which he believe...
(2) Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou (c) stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. (2) He urges us to set the invincible power of the Spirit which God has...
That thou stir up [2] the grace of God. In the Greek is a metaphor for fire that is blown up again. --- Which is in thee by the imposition of my hands, when thou wast ordained bishop. (Witham) --- The...
(1) В¶ Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus, (2) To Timothy, my dearly beloved son: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Fath...
Turning to the SECOND EPISTLE, we find that, although there is the same grand truth of the Saviour God maintained, the state of things had become sensibly worse, and the hour for the apostle's departu...
_A SPIRIT OF COURAGE_ ‘Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee is the putting on of mg bands. For God bath not given us the spirit of fear; but of powe...
6_For which cause I advise thee _The more abundantly that Timothy had received the grace of God, the more attentive (the Apostle intimates) he ought to be in making progress from day to day. It deserv...
The Second Epistle to Timothy has a very peculiar character. It is the expression of his heart, who out side Palestine had, under God, founded and built the assembly of God on earth, and it was writte...
WHEREFORE I PUT THEE IN REMEMBRANCE,.... Because of the great affection the apostle had for Timothy, and because of that confidence he had of him, that unfeigned faith dwelt in him, as well as because...
Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. Ver. 6. _Stir up the gift_] Blow up thy smaller spark into a flame. Grace in us...
_Wherefore_ Because I remember this; _I put thee in remembrance_ Because of my love to thee; _that thou stir up the gift of God_ That is, every gift which the grace of God has given thee. The word ανα...
STIR UP; as one does a smouldering fire, that it may burn brighter. This was to be done by the vigorous exercise of THE GIFT OF GOD; that was in him; the spiritual gifts, namely, that had been imparte...
Despite the fact of his heart being so drawn out in this epistle, Paul writes as "an apostle," not as a servant, nor even as a brother. Does this not stress the strongly authoritative character of tha...
6-14 God has not given us the spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, of courage and resolution, to meet difficulties and dangers; the spirit of love to him, which will carry us through opposition....
WHEREFORE I PUT THEE IN REMEMBRANCE: Paul's affection to Timothy was so far from abating his faithfulness to him, that it quickened him to admonish him to be faithful in his ministry. THAT THOU STIR U...
2 Timothy 1:6 Therefore G1223 G3739 G156 remind G363 (G5719) you G4571 up G329 (G5721) gift...
2 Timothy 1:6. I PUT THEE IN REMEMBRANCE. The anxiety shows itself again. It is necessary to remind the disciple, shrinking from danger or worry, to ‘stir up' (literally, _‘to rekindle')_ the gift of...
FOR THE WHICH CAUSE (δι' ην αιτιαν). "For which cause," stronger than διο. So in verse 2 Timothy 1:12; Titus 1:13. Only example of αιτια by Paul save in Acts 28:20.I PUT THEE IN REMEMBRANCE (αναμι...
2 Timothy 1:1. _Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus,_ Paul takes high ground. He is not an apostle by the will of the Church...
2 Timothy 1:1. _Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus, to Timothy, my dearly beloved son: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the...
2 Timothy 1:1. _Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus, to Timothy, my dearly beloved son:_ There is the greatest possible affe...
CONTENTS: Apostolic greetings and exhortations to Timothy. CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Timothy, Eunice, Phygelus, Hermogenes, Onesiphorus. CONCLUSION: The best of Christ's servants ne...
2 Timothy 1:1. _Paul according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus._ On this promise of eternal life the whole system of revelation is built; for this cause Paul was made an apostle, that...
FOR THIS REASON. "Because I am sure that you do have this sincere faith." KEEP ALIVE THE GIFT. This is the gift which God gave him. This means it is a supernormal _gift from the Spirit._ See note on 1...
2 TIMOTHY—NOTE ON 2 TIMOTHY 1:3 Enduring for the Gospel. Paul’s thanksgiving (2 Timothy 1:3) leads to encouraging Timothy ...
2 TIMOTHY—NOTE ON 2 TIMOTHY 1:6 Paul challenges Timothy to continue following in his footsteps (compare 2 Timothy 3:10)....
_CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES_ 2 Timothy 1:6. STIR UP THE GIFT.—As the soldier draws together the embers of his watch-fire, making the flame leap up, so St. Paul would have this good soldier of Jes...
EXPOSITION 2 TIMOTHY 1:1 _Christ Jesus _for _Jesus Christ, _A.V. and T.R.; _the life _for _life, _A.V. The life is a little clearer than _life, _as showing that "life" (not "promise") is the antecede...
Ver. 6. _For which cause_ namely, because I have full confidence that such is your spiritual condition (Theophylact, διότι οἶδα σε ἀνυπόκριτον ἔχοντα πίστιν; Theod., ταῦτα περὶ σου πεπεισμέ...
Shall we turn now to second Timothy? This is the last epistle that Paul wrote. He is again in prison in Rome. It would seem that he was released from the first imprisonment and allowed a little more t...
1 Peter 4:10; 1 Peter 4:11; 1 Thessalonians 5:19; 1 Timothy 4:14;...
Wherefore [δ ι η ν α ι τ ι α ν]. Lit. for which cause. Aitia not in Paul. The phrase in verse 12; Titus 1:13; also in Luke, Acts, and Hebrews Paul's expression is dio or dia touto. Stir up [α ν α ζ ω...
SEVEN BIBLE MOTHERS 2 Timothy 1:1; _2 Timothy 3:13_ INTRODUCTORY WORDS We are studying a theme today which should have in it much of value to every one of us; even the men and the young men love mot...
THE UPS AND DOWNS OF A CHRISTIAN 2 Timothy 1:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS It is a mistake to imagine that those who walk with Christ will find a level pathway without any valley or any mountain top, a path...
Wherefore — Because I remember this. I remind thee of stirring up — Literally, blowing up the coals into a flame. The gift of God — All the spiritual gifts, which the grace of God has given thee....
Observe here, 1. St. Paul's care in putting Timothy in remembrance of his duty, though he very well knew it before: WHEREFORE,. PUT THEE IN REMEMBRANCE. None are so well instructed in their duty, but...