Tertullian Against Marcion Book V

For the Creator's righteousness no less than His peace was announced in Christ, as we have often shown already. Therefore he says: "He is our peace, who hath made both one"[797]

Hippolytus Exegetical Fragments " But who has blotted out our transgressions? Paul the apostle teaches us, saying, "He is our peace who made both one; "[170]

Pseudo-Gregory Thaumaturgus Third Homily

For the servants in irreconcilable enmity has been born the Lord; and One has sojourned with us to be the bond of peace and the Redeemer of those led captive, and to be the peace for those involved in hostility. For He is our peace;[14]

Excerpt on Edessa from the History of the Church

and broke through the enclosure[34]

The Teaching of Addaeus the Apostle

His exalted Godhead by the manhood which He took, and was crucified, and descended to the place of the dead, and broke through the enclosure[5]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XII

for the expression, "I live, yet no longer I," was the voice of one denying himself, as of one who had laid aside his own life and taken on himself the Christ, in order that He might live in him as Righteousness, and as Wisdom, and as Sanctification, and as our Peace,[173]

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Old Testament