NT References in the Ante-Nicene Fathers
Ephesians 5:12
Tertullian On Modesty
But what do we understand "the sense of the flesh" and "the life of the flesh" (to mean), except whatever "it shames (one) to pronounce? "[201]
Tertullian On Modesty
But what do we understand "the sense of the flesh" and "the life of the flesh" (to mean), except whatever "it shames (one) to pronounce? "[201]
Verse 12. _FOR IT IS A SHAME EVEN TO SPEAK_] This no doubt refers to the _Eleusinian_ and _Bacchanalian_ mysteries, which were performed in the night and darkness, and were known to be so impure and...
FOR IT IS A SHAME EVEN TO SPEAK ... - ; compare notes, Romans 1:24. It is still a shame to speak of the practices of the pagan. Missionaries tell us that they “cannot” describe the images on the car o...
3. THE WALK IN HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS Chapter S 4:17-5:21 _ 1. Not as the Gentiles walk (Ephesians 4:17)_ 2. The putting off and putting on (Ephesians 4:20) 3. Followers of God (Ephesians 5
THE WAY OF LIGHT AND THE WAY OF DARKNESS. There are other sins which among God's people, should be literally unmentionable fornication, uncleanness, coveting, filthiness, foolish speech, improper jest...
THE IMITATION OF GOD (Ephesians 5:1-8)...
For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. You must behave as children of the light, for the fruit of light consists in all benevolence and righteousness and truth. You must decide...
SHAME. See 1 Corinthians 11:6. DONE. being done. IN SECRET. Greek. _kruphe_. Only here....
_even to speak_ See above on "not once named", Ephesians 5:12. Perhaps the suggestion here is that the "reproof" of Ephesians 5:11 was to come more through a holy life, and less through condemnatory w...
17–5:14. THE GREAT CONTRAST Ephesians 4:25 to Ephesians 5:14. THE CONTRAST IN DETAIL...
ΤᾺ ΓᾺΡ ΚΡΥΦΗ͂Ι ΓΙΝΌΜΕΝΑ ὙΠʼ ΑΥ̓ΤΩ͂Ν. The two clauses τὰ κρυφῇ γινόμενα … τὰ δὲ πάντα should be taken closely together. ‘For though the things that are done in secret … yet everything when convicted by...
ΚΡΥΦΉ (G2931) _adv._ скрыто, тайно, ΓΙΝΌΜΕΝΑ _praes. med. (dep.) part. от_ ΓΊΝΟΜΑΙ (G1096) становиться....
IT IS A SHAME EVEN TO SPEAK, &C.— Nothing could be more impure and abominable than some of the religious nocturnal mysteries of the heathens, to which the Apostle seems here in the primary sense to re...
_PREVIEWING IN OUTLINE FORM_ (EPHESIANS 5:3-20) 3. Walk as children of light. Ephesians 5:3-14. a. Things the children of light do not do. Ephesians 5:3-8 a. (1) Do no
For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. The Greek order is, 'For the things done in secret by them it is a shame even to speak of.' The "for" gives his rea...
__ No Participation with Unbelievers 2 The sacrifice of Christ has many aspects. The opening Chapter s of Leviticus deal with these in detail. The sin and trespass offering seem to be entirely for m...
THE OLD DARKNESS AND NEW LIGHT. RULES FOR THE MARRIED 1, 2. In close connexion with what precedes. 'It is the mark of beloved children to become imitators of a loving Father; practise the self-sacrif...
CHRISTIAN BELIEF AND BEHAVIOUR EPHESIANS _LES PAINTER (BIBLE TEXT BY CYNTHIA GREEN)_ CHAPTER 5 5:1-14 ~ LOVE 5:1-7 ~ LIVE IN LOVE V1 You must try to be as much like God as you can. You are his...
IT IS A SHAME EVEN TO SPEAK... — Comp. Ephesians 5:3. Sin may be plainly indicated, and perhaps most effectually branded, without polluting the tongue by describing its actual developments. The need o...
(3_b_) Ephesians 5:3 warn, with even greater fulness and emphasis, against the sins of impurity and lust, as incompatible with membership of the kingdom of heaven, as works of darkness, impossible to...
CHAPTER 23 THE CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT Ephesians 5:7 The contrast between the Christian and heathen way of life is now, finally, to be set forth under St. Paul's familiar figure of the light and the d...
CHAPTER 22 DOCTRINE AND ETHICS Ephesians 4:25; Ephesians 5:1 The homily that we have briefly reviewed in the last chapter demands further consideration. It affords a striking and instructive exampl...
τὰ γὰρ κρυφῆ γινόμενα ὑπʼ αὐτῶν αἰσχρόν ἐστι καὶ λέγειν : _for the things which are done by them in secret it is a shame even to speak of_. This rendering of the RV, which follows Ellicott's, does mor...
A paragraph ruled by the general idea of the imitation of God in the forgiving love which has been appealed to in the preceding verse. In the light of that Divine example Paul charges his readers to f...
WALK AS CHILDREN OF LIGHT Ephesians 5:1 It is indeed a high calling to imitate God and to walk in love after the measure of Christ; but it will be impossible unless we open our innermost heart to the...
All that the apostle had been saying was emphasized by the statement of their relationship to God as he called them to be "imitators of God." Again he urged them to put off the old and put on the new....
Attitudes of Those In the Light In the worship of pagan gods, there were many immoral acts committed in secret places under the cover of darkness. God's children would blush even to talk about them ...
(1) В¶ Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; (2) And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savo...
In this epistle we have the unfolding of the grace of God in all its fulness, not merely the application of His righteousness to man's need on His part, but God from out of Himself, and for Himself, a...
I. INTRODUCTION A. As we return to the book of Ephesians, we continue our study on Christian behavior. 1. The Apostle Paul has just given the Ephesian Christians, (and us) a "list" of ungodly behavi...
12._Which are done by them in secret. _This shews the advantage of reproving the ungodly. If they do but escape the eyes of men, there is no crime, however shocking to be mentioned, which they will no...
Moreover, let us remark here, and it is an important feature in this picture of the fruits of grace and of the new man, that when the grace and love, which come down from God, act in man, they always...
FOR IT IS A SHAME EVEN TO SPEAK OF THOSE THINGS,.... This is a reason, why persons should walk as children of light; why they should prove what is acceptable to God; why they should have no fellowship...
For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. Ver. 12. _For it is a shame_] _Sit honos auribus._ Joannes a Casa so far forgot both honesty and nature, that he boas...
_And have no fellowship_ No society, no participation _with_ wicked men in _the unfruitful works of darkness_ Works which bring no advantage, but mischief, (Romans 6:23,) and called _works of darkness...
IT IS A SHAME EVEN TO SPEAK OF THOSE THINGS; they are too vile to be mentioned or even thought of but with abhorrence....
The children of light avoid the works of darkness:...
WALK IN LOVE (vs.1-7) Verses 1 and 2 of chapter 5 are closely connected with verse 32 of chapter 4. God's gracious character of love that delights to have us as His dear children is our example. The...
CHAPTER 5 We must not follow the ways of the old man. We must be ______________ of God. He is our Father. We are his _____________. We must __________ in love because Christ loved us. He gave himsel...
“for the things which are done by them in secret it is. shame even to speak of” “For”: A FURTHER REASON WHY SUCH THINGS NEED TO BE EXPOSED. “The things which are done by them”: THAT IS, THE DEEDS OF...
3-14 Filthy lusts must be rooted out. These sins must be dreaded and detested. Here are not only cautions against gross acts of sin, but against what some may make light of. But these things are so f...
FOR IT IS A SHAME EVEN TO SPEAK OF THOSE THINGS; much more to have fellowship with them in them. WHICH ARE DONE OF THEM IN SECRET; the darkness adding boldness, as if what men did not see, God did not...
Ephesians 5:12 For G1063 is G2076 (G5748) shameful G149 even G2532 speak G3004 (G5721) things G2931 done...
‘And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove (convict) them, for the things which are done by them in secret it is a shame even to speak of.' Living in the li...
Ephesians 5:12. FOR THE THINGS, etc. The E. V. has unnecessarily transposed the order of this verse. D ONE IN SECRET. The reference is not to heathen mysteries, nor to ‘works of darkness in general (E...
III. GENERAL CHRISTIAN DUTIES. This part of the Epistle is difficult to analyze. The ethical precepts are not arranged in any discoverable logical order. For convenience a division into two sections i...
_2. Precepts based upon the Self-sacrificing Love of Christ._ The connection of thought with chap. Ephesians 4:32 is very close; God's forgiving love is directly presented as a motive (‘therefore') fo...
IN SECRET (κρυφη). Old adverb, only here in N.T. Sin loves the dark.EVEN TO SPEAK OF (κα λεγειν). And yet one must sometimes speak out, turn on the light, even if to do so is disgraceful (αισχρον...
Ephesians 5:1. _Be ye therefore followers of God,_ Or, imitators of God,- Ephesians 5:1. _As dear children;_ Children are naturally imitators. They are usually inclined to imitate their father; thi...
CONTENTS: Walk of the believer as God's child. The believer's warfare as filled with the Spirit. CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Paul. CONCLUSION: As members of the family of God, it is our duty to put on...
Ephesians 5:1. _Be ye followers of God as dear children,_ for children are expected to walk in their father's steps. He sends us rain and fruitful seasons, he makes his sun to rise on the evil and the...
EVEN TO TALK. Those initiated into the mystery religions were not allowed to reveal the secrets and mysteries. Paul is saying that this certainly is best, since they are really too horrible to even ta...
_For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret._ SINFUL DEEDS The practices of the unconverted heathen are set forth by a double brand-- 1. They are done of them...
EPHESIANS—NOTE ON EPHESIANS 5:1 New Life in Love. Paul gives general instructions for holy living. Purity of life comes from avoiding evil deeds and relationships and adopting holy practices....
_CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES_ Ephesians 5:3. LET IT NOT BE ONCE NAMED.—After the things themselves are dead let their names never be heard. Ephesians 5:4. NOR JESTING.—“Chastened insolence,” as Ar...
EXPOSITION EPHESIANS 5:1 BE YE THEREFORE IMITATORS OF GOD, AS CHILDREN BELOVED. These words are closely connected with the preceding. In Ephesians 4:32 he had urged the example of God in one very mo...
Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Ephesians, chapter 5. Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children (Ephesians 5:1); Now, the therefore immediately points you back, back to the last verse of...
1 Peter 4:3; 2 Samuel 12:12; Ecclesiastes 12:14; Ephesians 5:3;...
FOLLOWERS OF GOD Ephesians 5:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS The opening verse of today's chapter has a clear and clarion call to the children of God. It is something that we may not sidetrack or push aside....
In secret — As flying the light....
Here our apostle assigns particular reasons why the Ephesians should HAVE NO FELLOWSHIP WITH THE UNFRUITFUL workers and WORKS OF DARKNESS, BUT REPROVE THEM; namely, 1. The abominable filthiness of th...