Epistle of Ignatius to the Antiochians

Let drunkenness, anger, envy, reviling, clamour, and blasphemy "be not so much as named among you."[42]

Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book II

And again, "As becometh saints, let not filthiness be named among you, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which things are not seemly, but rather giving of thanks."[123]

Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book II

Impudicorum vero verborum, et turpium figurarum, meretriciorumque osculomm, et hujusmodi lasciviarum nomina ne sunt quidem memoranda, beatum sequentibus Apostolum, qui aperte dicit: "Fornicatio autem et omnis immunditia, vel plura habendi cupiditas, ne nominetur quidem in vobis, sicut decet saneros."[204]

Tertullian On Modesty

Again: "But let fornication and every impurity not be even named among you, as becometh saints,"[207]

The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs III

The offerings of the Lord will ye rob, and from His portion will ye steal; and before ye sacrifice to the Lord, ye will take the choicest parts, in despitefulness eating them with harlots. Amid excesses[24]

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Old Testament