Irenaeus Against Heresies Book I

They declare also that Paul has referred to the conjunctions within the Pleroma, showing them forth by means of one; for, when writing of the conjugal union in this life, he expressed himself thus: "This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the Church."[117]

Tertullian A Treatise on the Soul

What had he that was spiritual? Is it because he prophetically declared "the great mystery of Christ and the church? "[165]

Tertullian Against Marcion Book V

in the estimation of the apostle, although they are so vilely esteemed by the heretics. "But I am speaking," says he, "of Christ and the Church."[847]

Tertullian On Fasting

However, even (Adam) himself at that time, reverting to the condition of a Psychic after the spiritual ecstasy in which he had prophetically interpreted that "great sacrament"[19]

Methodius Discourse III. Thaleia

Yet, while everything else seems rightly spoken, one thing, my friend, distresses and troubles me, considering that that wise and most spiritual man-I mean Paul-would not vainly refer to Christ and the Church the union of the first man and woman,[2]

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Old Testament