Tertullian On the Flesh of Christ

For its salvation is endangered, not by its being ignorant of itself, but of the word of God. "The life," says He, "was manifested,"[179]

Hippolytus Refutation of All Heresies Book V

And this is the water in those fair nuptials which Jesus changing made into wine. This, he says, is the mighty and true beginning of miracles[77]

Origen Commentary on John Book I

But none of the names we have mentioned expresses His representation of us with the Father, as He pleads for human nature, and makes atonement for it; the Paraclete, and the propitiation, and the atonement. He has the name Paraclete in the Epistle of John:[168]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book X

And consider now, if in addition to what we have already recounted, you can otherwise take the good seed to be the children of the kingdom, because whatsoever good things are sown in the human soul, these are the offspring of the kingdom of God and have been sown by God the Word who was in the beginning with God,[6]

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Old Testament