Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians

And of the Holy Ghost, "He shall glorify Me, for He receives of Mine."[64]

Tertullian Against Praxeas "He shall receive of mine," says Christ,[347]

Tertullian On Monogamy

But the Paraclete, having many things to teach fully which the Lord deferred till He came, (according to the pre-definition,) will begin by bearing emphatic witness to Christ, (as being) such as we believe (Him to be), together with the whole order of God the Creator, and will glorify Him,[8]

A Treatise of Novatian Concerning the Trinity

If Christ was only man, how does He say that the Paraclete "shall take of His, those things which He shall declare? "[117]

Archelaus Acts of the Disputation with the Heresiarch Manes

For which of us could have hoped that Paul, the persecutor and enemy of the Church, would prove its defender and guardian? Yea, and not that alone, but that he would become also its ruler, the founder and architect of the churches? Wherefore after him, and after those who were with Himself-that is, the disciples-we are not to look for the advent of any other (such), according to the Scriptures; for our Lord Jesus Christ says of this Paraclete, "He shall receive of mine."[329]

Origen Commentary on John Book II

For the Holy Spirit Himself receives instruction, as is clear from what is said about the Paraclete and the Holy Spirit,[52]

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Old Testament