John 21:4

Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book I In many ways Scripture celebrates us, and describes us in manifold figures of speech, giving variety to the simplicity of the faith by diverse names Accordingly, in the Gospel, "the Lord, standing on the shore, says to the disciples"-they happened to be f... [ Continue Reading ]

John 21:11

Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas e three words with which I am set on fire, and I cannot tell them to others; O Jesus, man slain, dead, buried; Jesus, God of God, and Saviour who bringest the dead to life, and healest those who are diseased; O Jesus, who appearest to be in want, and savest as if in... [ Continue Reading ]

John 21:15

Cyprian Treatise I On the Unity of the Church And again to the same He says, after His resurrection, "Feed nay sheep."[12]... [ Continue Reading ]

John 21:17

Cyprian Epistle II To Simon, too, He speaks thus: "Lovest thou me? He answered, I do love Thee. He saith to him, Feed my sheep."[6]... [ Continue Reading ]

John 21:18

Tertullian Scorpiace We read the lives of the Cµsars: At Rome Nero was the first who stained with blood the rising faith. Then is Peter girt by another,[113] Origen Against Celsus Book II For he would neither hear the words of Jesus, when He predicted to Peter, "When thou shalt be old, thou shalt... [ Continue Reading ]

John 21:19

Tertullian The Apology If equanimity be the contention, you have Lycurgus choosing death by self-starvation, because the Lacons had made some emendation of his laws: the Christian, even when he is condemned, gives thanks.[68]... [ Continue Reading ]

John 21:20

Tertullian The Prescription Against Heretics Was anything, again, concealed from John, the Lord's most beloved disciple, who used to lean on His breast[228] The First Epistle of Clement Concerning Virginity John, again, who "reclined on the bosom of our Lord, and whom He greatly loved,"[50]... [ Continue Reading ]

John 21:22

Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian And after that they remembered what had been said to Peter by the Lord about him: For what does it concern thee if I should wish him to remain until I come?[20]... [ Continue Reading ]

John 21:23

Tertullian A Treatise on the Soul Even John underwent death, although concerning him there had prevailed an ungrounded expectation that he would remain alive until the coming of the Lord.[299]... [ Continue Reading ]

John 21:25

Origen de Principiis Book II and clearly what truth is, save the Father of truth? who can investigate with certainty the universal nature of His Word, and of God Himself, which nature proceeds from God, except God alone, with whom the Word was), we ought to regard it as certain that this Word, or R... [ Continue Reading ]

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