Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III

her? Still further, if He had taken nothing of Mary, He would never have availed Himself of those kinds of food which are derived from the earth, by which that body which has been taken from the earth is nourished; nor would He have hungered, fasting those forty days, like Moses and Elias, unless His body was craving after its own proper nourishment; nor, again, would John His disciple have said, when writing of Him, "But Jesus, being wearied with the journey, was sitting [to rest]; "[435]

Shepherd of Hermas Commandment Third

How then can I live, since I have acted thus? "And he said to me, "Your feelings are indeed right and sound, for you ought as a servant of God to have walked in truth, and not to have joined an evil conscience with the spirit of truth, nor to have caused sadness to the holy and true Spirit."[5]

Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book I

Wherefore He is introduced in the Gospel "wearied,"[225]

Tertullian On Baptism


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