Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III " De his et similibus haeresibus existimo Judam prophetice dixisse in epistola: "Similiter quidera hi quoque somniantes" (non enim vigilantes ad veritatem se applicant), usque ad illud: "Et os eorum loquitur superba."[14]

Fragments of Clement from the Latin Translation of Cassiodorus "also those dreamers,"-that is, who dream in their imagination lusts and wicked desires, regarding as good not that which is truly good, and superior to all good,-defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of majesty," that is, the only Lord,[50]


people of his dominion[12]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book X

And those who sleep are those who, when they ought to be taking heed and watching with the soul, are not doing this, but by reason of great want of attention are nodding in resolution and are drowsy in their reflections, such as "in their dreamings defile the flesh, and set at naught that which is highest in authority, and rail at dignities."[172]

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Old Testament