Luke 1:1

Tertullian The Prescription Against Heretics Indeed they would have found it impossible either to convert Jews or to bring in Gentiles, unless they "set forth in order"[285]... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:2

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III Thus also does Luke, without respect of persons, deliver to us what he had learned from them, as he has himself testified, saying, "Even as they delivered them unto us, who from the beginning were eye-witnesses and ministers of the Word."[242] Irenaeus Against He... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:5

Victorinus Commentary on the Apocalypse of the Blessed John But Luke said, "There was a priest, by name Zachariah, of the course of Abia, and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron: "[27]... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:6

Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians For he is in harmony with the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, even as the strings are with the harp, and is no less blameless than was Zacharias the priest.[8] Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III Luke also, the follower and disciple of the apostle... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:13

Origen Commentary on John Book II Gabriel, when announcing to Zacharias the birth of John, and to Mary the advent of our Saviour among men, says:[94] Origen Commentary on John Book VI " The words of the angel of the Lord, too, who appeared to Zacharias, as he stood at the right hand of the altar o... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:15

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III And he shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elias, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."[90] Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XIII so his spirit had something of choice excellence, so that not only did it rest on Elisha, but also descended al... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:16

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XIII But some one might ask, if the soul of Elijah was not first in the Tishbite and secondly in John, what might that be in both which the Saviour called Elijah? And I say that Gabriel in his words to Zacharias suggested what the substance was in Elijah and John t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:17

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III " Plainly does the commencement of the Gospel quote the words of the holy prophets, and point out Him at once, whom they confessed as God and Lord; Him, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who had also made promise to Him, that He would send His messenger before H... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:18

Origen Commentary on John Book VI For John's voice points to that word and demonstrates it. It is therefore a very appropriate punishment that falls on Zacharias on his saying to the angel,[61]... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:20

Tertullian On Idolatry , and, passing by his bootless tongue, with the help of his hands dictates from his heart, and without his mouth pronounces the name of his son.[177] Hippolytus Dogmatical and Historical Fragments I was brought up from beneath; I did not come down from above. I bound the to... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:26

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III And again, speaking in reference to the angel, he says: "But at that time the angel Gabriel was sent from God, who did also say to the virgin, Fear not, Mary; for thou hast found favour with God."[93] Tertullian On the Flesh of Christ Clearly enough is the nativ... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:27

Tertullian An Answer to the Jews For to none of men was the universal aggregation of spiritual credentials appropriate, except to Christ; paralleled as He is to a "flower" by reason of glory, by reason of grace; but accounted "of the root of Jesse," whence His origin is to be deduced,-to wit, throu... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:28

Pseudo-Gregory Thaumaturgus First Homily To-day did Gabriel, who stands by God, come to the pure virgin, bearing to her the glad annunciation, "Hail, thou that art highly favoured![9] Fragments from Peter of Alexandria From this we learn that the angel, when he saluted the Virgin with the words,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:29

Pseudo-Gregory Thaumaturgus First Homily He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David, and He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever: and of His kingdom there shall be no end. Then said Mary unto the angel,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:30

Cyprian Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews The same shall be great, and He shall be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God shall give Him the throne of His father David, and He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and of His kingdom there shall be no end."[19... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:31

Tertullian On the Flesh of Christ Will not the angel's announcement also be subverted, that the virgin should "conceive in her womb and bring forth a son? "[295]... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:32

First Apology of Justin And the angel of God who was sent to the same virgin at that time brought her good news, saying, "Behold, thou shalt conceive of the Holy Ghost, and shalt bear a Son, and He shall be called the Son of the Highest, and thou shalt call His name Jesus; for He shall save His peo... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:33

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III , because He was a King, "of whose kingdom is no end; "[77] Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Peter said: We preach one God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, that has made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and all that therein is, who is the true K... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:34

Pseudo-Gregory Thaumaturgus Twelve Topics on the Faith How could one say that Christ was born of the seed of man by the Virgin, when the holy Gospel and the angel, in proclaiming the good tidings, testify of Mary the Virgin that she said, "How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? "[8] The Prote... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:35

Dialogue of Justin But the Virgin Mary received faith and joy, when the angel Gabriel announced the good tidings to her that the Spirit of the Lord would come upon her, and the power of the Highest would overshadow her: wherefore also the Holy Thing begotten of her is the Son of God;[386] Irenaeus... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:36

Pseudo-Gregory Thaumaturgus Third Homily And how is this made plain? The archangel himself gives us the interpretation, when he says to the virgin: "Behold, thy relation Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is now the sixth month with her, who was called barren."[3] Th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:37

Tertullian On Idolatry ? [You ask] "How many have fulfilled these conditions? "But what with men is difficult, with God is easy.[91]... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:38

Dialogue of Justin and she replied, `Be it unto me according to thy word.'"[387] Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III In accordance with this design, Mary the Virgin is found obedient, saying, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word."[439] Tertullian To His Wife Book... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:39

The Protevangelium of James And the priest blessed her, and said: Mary, the Lord God hath magnified thy name, and thou shall be blessed in all the generations of the earth. And Mary, with great joy, went away to Elizabeth her kinswoman,[32]... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:41

Tertullian A Treatise on the Soul However, even these have life, each of them in his mother's womb. Elizabeth exults with joy, (for) John had leaped in her womb;[201] Tertullian On the Flesh of Christ Therefore even Elisabeth must be silent although she is carrying in her womb the prophetic babe,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:42

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III ," that it might declare the generation of Him who should be [born] from the Virgin, as Elisabeth testified when filled with the Holy Ghost, saying to Mary, "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy belly; "[413] Pseudo-Gregory Thaumaturgus S... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:43

Excerpts of Theodotus He cited as a proof to all, how, when the angels give glad tidings to the barren, they introduce souls before conception. And in the Gospel "the babe leapt"[74]... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:46

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III For He hath taken up His child Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spake to our fathers, Abraham, and his seed for ever."[95] Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV Moreover, Mary said, "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my salv... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:48

The Protevangelium of James But Mary had forgotten the mysteries of which the archangel Gabriel had spoken, and gazed up into heaven, and said: Who am I, O Lord, that all the generations of the earth should bless me?[35] The Account of St. John the Theologian The apostles said all these things to... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:51

Pseudo-Gregory Thaumaturgus Second Homily For He hath blessed every age, both men and women, both young men and youths, and old men. "He hath made strength with His arm,"[33]... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:52

Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV sufficiently shown that the glory of riches is condemned by our God, "who putteth down the mighty from their throne, and exalts the poor from the dunghill."[1164] Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV believe that after death there were punishments for the arroganc... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:54

Pseudo-Gregory Thaumaturgus Second Homily For the Christ who was born of the Virgin, and who is our God, has given over the whole inheritance of divine blessings to the Gentiles. "He hath holpen His servant Israel."[37]... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:63

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XIII and from the fact that Zacharias regained his speech after he had written in the tablet, that he who had been born should be called John.[13]... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:65

Origen Commentary on John Book VI nscorporation we have seen based upon our passage, may go on with a close examination of the text, and urge against his antagonist, that if John was the son of such a man as the priest Zacharias, and if he was born when his parents were both aged, contrary to all h... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:67

Cyprian Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews Also in that according to Luke: "And Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who hath foreseen redemption for His people, and hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:68

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III n the house of His servant David; as He spake by the mouth of His holy prophets, which have been since the world begun; salvation from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; to perform the mercy [promised] to our fathers, and to remember His holy cove... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:69

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III as David says when discoursing on the causes of His birth: "And He appointed a law in Israel, that another generation might know [Him,] the children which should he born from these, and they arising shall themselves declare to their children, so that they might se... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:71

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV union of God and man took place according to the good pleasure of the Father, the Word of God foretelling from the beginning that God should be seen by men, and hold converse with them upon earth, should confer with them, and should be present with His own creation... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:76

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III Then he says to John: "And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare HiS ways; to give knowledge of salvation to His people, for the remission of their sins."[100] Tertullian On Baptism In t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:78

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III This same God, after His great goodness, poured His compassion upon us, through which compassion "the Day-spring from on high hath looked upon us, and appeared to those who sat in darkness and the shadow of death, and has guided our feet into the way of peace; "[9... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:79

Methodius Oration Concerning Simeon and Anna For what is more splendid for a king than a purple robe embroidered around with flowers, and a shining diadem? Or what for God, who delights in man, is more magnificent than this merciful assumption of the manhood, illuminating with its resplendent rays... [ Continue Reading ]

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