Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book VII

And the latter terminating in love, thereafter gives the loving to the loved, that which knows to that which is known. And, perchance, such an one has already attained the condition of "being equal to the angels."[85]

Tertullian Against Marcion Book III

My God, however, who formed that which He had taken out of the dust of the ground in the true quality of flesh, although not issuing as yet from conjugal seed, was equally able to apply to angels too a flesh of any material whatsoever, who built even the world out of nothing, into so many and so various bodies, and that at a word! And, really, if your god promises to men some time or other the true nature of angels[133]

Tertullian Against Marcion Book V

in order, indeed, that it may be rendered a fit substance for the kingdom of God. "For we shall be like the angels."[479]

Tertullian On the Resurrection of the Flesh

To this discussion, however, our Lord's declaration puts an effectual end: "They shall be," says He, "equal unto the angels."[469]

Tertullian To His Wife Book I

no restoration of marriage is promised in the day of the resurrection, translated as they will be into the condition and sanctity of angels.[9]

Origen de Principiis Book IV

And this is evident from the statement, that when all Who are saints have arrived at the summit of perfection, they are said to be made like, or equal to, the angels, agreeably to the declaration in the Gospels.[27]

Origen Against Celsus Book IV

and also become "equal to the angels."[120]

Acts of Paul and Thecla

blessed are they that have the fear of God, for they shall become angels of God:[8]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XI

though he is not God, is said to be the god of those who do not wish to receive the spirit of adoption, in order that they may become sons of that world, and sons of the resurrection from the dead,[125]

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