Tertullian On Fasting
By and by the Lord Himself consecrated His own baptism (and, in His
own, that of all) by fasts;[59]
Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew
Then the Son of God having been born of the virgin, and having become
perfect man, and having been baptized, and after H... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
And the devil looking at Him, and tempting Him, said: "If Thou art the
Son of God; "[66]
Tertullian On Fasting
having (the power) to make "loaves out of stones,"[60]... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian On Fasting
teaching man not to be studious of the stomach.[38]... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians
Yea, thou even darest, most accursed one, to appropriate the works of
God to thyself, and to declare that the dominion over these was
delivered to thee.[52]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book V
He then, having been thus signally defeated, and then, as it were,
c... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian On Prayer
He Himself, when tempted by the devil, demonstrated who it is that
presides over and is the originator of temptation.[61]
Recognitions of Clement IV
Therefore our Lord, confirming the worship of one God, answered him:
`It is written, Thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and H... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian An Answer to the Jews
of my family, for a light of Gentiles, that Thou mayst open the eyes
of the blind"-of course, such as err-"to outloose from bonds the
bound"-that is, to free them from sins-"and from the house of
prison"-that is, of death-"such as sit in darkness"[256]... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
But to Christ the title Nazarene was destined to become a suitable
one, from the hiding-place of His infancy, for which He went down and
dwelt at Nazareth,[201]... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
[For this reason,] those who knew not the Scriptures nor the promise
of God, nor the dispensation of Christ, at last called him the father
of the child. For this reason, too, did the Lord Himself read at
Capernaum the prophecies of Isaiah:[336]
Tertullian Against... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
O Christ, even in Thy novelties Thou art old! Accordingly, when Peter,
who had been an eye-witness of the miracle, and had compared it with
the ancient precedents, and had discovered in them prophetic
intimations of what should one day come to pass, answered (as t... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian An Answer to the Jews
I wait to hear what you understand thereby; for fear you may perhaps
think some carpenter-king[220]... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
But Christ will be (the Christ) of the prophets, wheresoever He is
found in accordance with the prophets. And yet even at Nazareth He is
not remarked as having preached anything new,[203]... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
by reason of a simple proverb.[205]
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book II
And if a presbyter comes from another parish, let him be received to
communion by the presbyters; if a deacon, by the deacons; if a bishop,
let him sit with the bishop, and be allowed... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian An Answer to the Jews
with axes on the bank of the river Jordan, the iron flew off and sank
in the stream; and so, on Elisha[290]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
to the exclusion of[244]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
so many lepers in Israel,[245]
Tertullian Against Marcion... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
He is said to have been rejected[204]... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
But "they were all astonished at His doctrine." Of course they were;
"for, says (St. Luke), "His word was with power[177]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
astonished at His doctrine; for He was teaching as one who had
power."[427]... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
In the same passage, "the spirit of an unclean devil" exclaims: "What
have we to do with Thee, Thou Jesus? Art Thou come to destroy us? I
know Thee who Thou art, the Holy One of God."[181]... [ Continue Reading ]
Syriac Second Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
Henceforward all things were moved together, and the destruction of
death was devised, and there was the commencement of that which was
perfected in God.[14]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book V
and, according to the record which is common to both ... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
In short, He did himself touch others, upon whom He laid His hands,
which were capable of being felt, and conferred the blessings of
Pseudo-Tertullian Against All Heresies
not agreeing with Cerinthus in every point; in that he affirms the
world[49]... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
Accordingly, wicked spirits (just in the manner of our former example)
used to go forth with a testimony, exclaiming, "Thou art the Son of
God,"[213]... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
-of prevarication, when he permitted himself to be feared by the
demons as the Son of the Creator, that he might drive them out, not
indeed by his own power, but by the authority of the Creator. "He
departed, and went into a desert place."[225]
Tertullian Against... [ Continue Reading ]
Cyprian Epistle LVIII
For as the Lord says in His Gospel, "The Son of man is not come to
destroy men's lives, but to save them,"[5]... [ Continue Reading ]