Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book VI " And that it is said, that we and the Greeks know the same God, though not in the same way, he will infer thus: "Neither worship as the Jews; for they, thinking that they only know God, do not know Him, adoring as they do angels and archangels, the month and the moon. And if the moon be not visible, they do not hold the Sabbath, which is called the first;[65]

Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

-as from the example of David, when he went into the temple on the Sabbath, and provided food by boldly breaking up the shew-bread.[385]

Archelaus Acts of the Disputation with the Heresiarch Manes

And further, He did not restrain His disciples from plucking the ears of corn and rubbing them with their hands on the Sabbath-day,[428]

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Old Testament