Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

venly, it is quite clear that heaven has been as yet the property of no other God whatever, than Him who owns the earth also; quite clear that the Creator has given even the lesser promises (of earthly blessing), in order that I may more readily believe Him concerning His greater promises (of heavenly blessings) also, than (Marcion's god), who has never given proof of his liberality by any preceding bestowal of minor blessings. "Blessed are they that hunger, for they shall be filled."[475]

Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

Meanwhile the promise of fulness to the hungry is a provision of God the Creator. "Blessed are they that weep, for they shall laugh."[480]

Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV "Blessed are they that hunger, for they shall be filled."[487]

Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV "Blessed are they that weep, for they shall laugh."[489]

Tertullian On Fasting

How unworthy, also, is the way in which you interpret to the favour of your own lust the fact that the Lord "ate and drank" promiscuously! But I think that He must have likewise "fasted" inasmuch as He has pronounced, not "the full; "but "the hungry and thirsty, blessed: "[104]

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Old Testament