Matthew 11:2

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book X But since we learned, in the first place, that when the Saviour after the temptation heard that John was given up, He retreated into Galilee, and in the second place, that when John was in prison and heard the things about Jesus he sent two of his disciples and s... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:3

Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book I The second, whose meaning is understood from the present times, as being apprehended by perception; as it was said to those who asked the Lord, "If He was the Christ, or shall we wait for another? Go and tell John, the blind receive their sight, the deaf... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:4

Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book VI But in the one case for the purpose of being warmed; and in the other, we are compelled to be Christians in order to be excellent and good. For the kingdom belongs pre-eminently to the violent,[283] Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XII than that He was trul... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:5

Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book VIII Nor were the former shamed by the rod which was turned into a living serpent, nor by the hand which was made white with leprosy, nor by the river Nile turned into blood; nor the latter by the blind who recovered their sight, nor by the lame who walked, n... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:8

Tertullian On Idolatry unadorned in dress, for else He had not said, "Behold, they who are clad in soft raiment are in kings' houses: "[144] Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas And if we speak of fine clothing, which they who delight in this life put on, it has been said, They that wear soft things a... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:9

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III For whom, then, did he prepare the people, and in the sight of what Lord was he made great? Truly of Him who said that John had something even "more than a prophet,"[91] Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III John, therefore, having been sent by the founder and make... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:10

Tertullian An Answer to the Jews alled him an "angel," on account of the magnitude of the mighty deeds which he was to achieve (which mighty deeds Joshua the son of Nun did, and you yourselves read), and on account of his office of prophet announcing (to wit) the divine will; just as withal the Spi... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:11

Clement of Alexandria Who is the Rich Man that Shall Be Saved? Similarly also He says that "the least in the kingdom of heaven" that is His own disciple "is greater than John, the greatest among those bern of women."[49] Tertullian On Baptism none greater than John the Baptist."[123] Archelaus A... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:12

Dialogue of Justin receive it, he is Elijah, who was to come. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.'[164] Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV On this account, too, did the Lord assert that the kingdom of heaven was the portion of "the violent; "and He says, "The violent take it by force; "[616]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:13

Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book V This, then, is the type of "the law and the prophets which were until John; "[106] Tertullian An Answer to the Jews In short, if this is not so, let the Jews exhibit, subsequently to Christ, any volumes of prophets, visible miracles wrought by any angels, (su... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:14

Tertullian A Treatise on the Soul and again, in another passage, "And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come."[250] Hippolytus Refutation of All Heresies Book VIII And (we may learn, according to the Docetae, the same) from the expressions of the Saviour, "And if ye will rece... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:15

Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book V Now faith is the ear of the soul. And such the Lord intimates faith to be, when He says, "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear; "[1] Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book VI says the Scripture, plainly in the way of declaring them to the unworthy. For the Lo... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:16

Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book I And, again, He likens the kingdom of heaven to children sitting in the market-places and saying, "We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned, and ye have not lamented; "[23]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:17

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book X And up to this point I think that the movements of the people of the Jews, which seem to be according to the law, were nothing else than the movements of the daughter of Herodias; but the dancing of Herodias was opposed to that holy dancing with which those who h... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:18

Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III Quin etiam Dominus de seipso dicens: "Venit," inquit, "Joannes, nec comedens, nec bibens, et dicunt: daemonium habet; venit Filius hominis comedarts et bibens, et dicunt: Ecce homo vorax et vini potor, amicus publicanorum, et peccator."[72]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:19

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV At what time, then, did He pour out upon the human race the life-giving seed-that is, the Spirit of the remission of sins, through means of whom we are quickened? Was it not then, when He was eating with men, and drinking wine upon the earth? For it is said, "The S... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:20

Origen Against Celsus Book VI And so great is this doctrine of humiliation, that it has no ordinary individual as its teacher; but our great Saviour Himself says: "Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly of heart, and ye shall find rest for your souls."[88]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:21

Tertullian On Modesty The Lord Himself presumed repentance on the part of the Sidonians and Tyrians if they had seen the evidences of His "miracles."[116]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:22

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XIII The occasions then which come are an army of the devil, his angels, and a wicked band of impure spirits, which, seeking out instruments through whom they will work, often find men altogether strangers to piety, and sometimes even some of those who are thought... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:23

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV Verily I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable for Sodom in the day of judgment than for you."[570] Tertullian On Fasting Sodom also, and Gomorrah, would have escaped if they had fasted.[53] Word and Revelation of Esdras And he said to me: The form of h... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:24

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV And it is He who uses [the words], that it will be more tolerable for Sodom in the general judgment than for those who beheld His wonders, and did not believe on Him, nor receive His doctrine[575]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:25

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book I All things have been delivered to Me by My Father; and no one knoweth the Father but the Son, or the Son but the Father, and he to whom the Son will reveal Him."[266] Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV Again, our Lord Jesus Christ confesses this same Being as His F... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:27

First Apology of Justin And Jesus the Christ, because the Jews knew not what the Father was, and what the Son, in like manner accused them; and Himself said, "No one knoweth the Father, but the Son; nor the Son, but the Father, and they to whom the Son revealeth Him."[132] First Apology of Justin... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:28

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book I And again, when He said, "Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, and learn of Me,"[264] Clement of Alexandria Exhortation to the Heathen Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:29

Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book V Wherefore the Lord says, "Take My yoke, for it is gentle and light."[74] Origen Against Celsus Book II For how could an arrogant man thus express himself "Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly of heart, and you shall find rest for your souls? "[21] Of the Jou... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:30

Tertullian On Monogamy or with burdensomeness, in opposition to the "light burden"[6] Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas and accept the yoke of gentleness and the light burden,[18]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 11:40

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book V And the Lord Himself says, "As Jonas remained three days and three nights in the whale's belly, so shall the Son of man be in the heart of the earth."[263]... [ Continue Reading ]

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