Origen Commentary on Matthew Book X "[175]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XI "[1]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XI

They, not yet understanding what the Word was about to do, say to Him, "The place is desert,"[3]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XI

seeing the desert condition of the masses in respect of God and the Law and the Word; but they say to Him, "The time is past,"[4]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XI "The time is past," therefore they say, and no food is at hand, because the season of it is no longer present, that those who have followed Thee in the desert may serve the law and the prophets. And, further, the disciples say, "Send them away,"[6]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XI

Since, then, I have trained you, and made you fit to give rational food to them who are in need of it, give ye to the crowds who have followed Me to eat; for ye have the power, which ye have received from Me, of giving the multitudes to eat; and if ye had attended to this, ye would have understood that I am far more able to feed them, and ye would not have said, 'Send the multitudes away that they may go and buy food for themselves.'"[7]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XI "And when even was come there came to Him," not the multitudes, but the disciples, as being different from the multitudes, saying, "Send the multitudes away that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food."[41]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XI

And when even was come the disciples came to Him saying, The place is desert and the time is already past, send them away,"[200]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XI

But now after the healing of the deaf and the rest, He takes compassion on the multitude which had continued with Him now three days and had nothing to eat. And there the disciples make request concerning the five thousand;[201]

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Old Testament