Matthew 24:2

Cyprian Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews Also in the Gospel the Lord says: "There shall not be left in the temple one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down."[68] Recognitions of Clement I they might see Him who should teach them that the place chosen of God, in... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:4

Tertullian The Prescription Against Heretics neither ought their existence to surprise us, for it was foretold that they should come to pass;[3] Origen Against Celsus Book VI nor what the Saviour in the Gospels[232] Cyprian Treatise XI Exhortation to Martyrdom Addressed to Fortunatus And He sha... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:5

Cyprian Epistle LXXII "Many," He says, "shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many." And afterwards He added: "But take ye heed; behold, I have foretold you all things."[22]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:11

Dialogue of Justin And, `Many false Christs and false apostles shall arise, and shall deceive many of the faithful.'[91] Didache false prophets and corrupters shall be multiplied, and the sheep shall be turned into wolves, and love shall be turned into hate;[141]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:12

Tertullian On Modesty But as the conquering power of things evil is on the increase-which is the characteristic of the last times[2] Origen de Principiis Book II As God, then, is a fire, and the angels a flame of fire, and all the saints are fervent in spirit, so, on the contrary, those who have... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:13

Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV says He, "ye shall yourselves be saved."[1554] Tertullian On Monogamy the faith)? For, of course, that (infirmity) is more capable of excuse which has fallen in battle, than (that) which (has fallen) in the bed-chamber; (that) which has succumbed on the rack, th... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:14

Origen Against Celsus Book II And who will not be filled with wonder, when he goes back in thought to Him who then taught and said, "This Gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles,"[52] Victorinus Commentary on the Apocalypse of the Blessed... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:15

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book V to show himself as Christ, as the Lord also declares: "But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, which has been spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let him that readeth understand), then let those who are in Judea flee into the mo... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:19

Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III Et rursus: "Vae praegnantibus et lactantibus in illis diebus."[63] Tertullian To His Wife Book I most of all unsuitable, as being perilous to faith! For why did the Lord foretell a "woe to them that are with child, and them that give suck,"[56] Tertullian... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:21

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV were thus predicting partly that wrath from all nations which after His ascension came upon those who believed in Him, with the movement of the whole earth against the Church; and partly the fact that, when He comes from heaven with His mighty angels, the whole ear... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:22

Methodius Discourse II. Theophila Would it not, then, be absurd to forbid marriage unions, seeing that we expect that after us there will be martyrs, and those who shall oppose the evil one, for whose sake also the Word promised that He would shorten those days?[9]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:23

Origen Against Celsus Book II For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even to the west, so also shall the coming of the Son of man be."[112] A Treatise on Re-Baptism by an Anonymous Writer For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and won... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:24

Tertullian A Treatise on the Soul and will exhibit "great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible, he shall deceive the very elect."[340] Tertullian Against Marcion Book III because when He declared that many would come and "show great signs and wonders,"[28] Dubious Hippolytus Fra... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:25

Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians the more ought he to revere him. For we ought to receive every one whom the Master of the house sends to be over His household,[44] Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians The more, therefore, you see the bishop silent, the more do you reverence him. For we ought... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:27

Origen de Principiis Book I Moreover our Lord, who is the truth, compared the power of His own glorious advent to lightning, in the words, "For as the lightning shineth from the height of heaven even to its height again, so will the coming of the Son of man be."[102] Hippolytus Dogmatical and Hist... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:28

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV Inasmuch as then, "wheresoever the carcase is, there shall also the eagles be gathered together,"[167]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:29

Tertullian Against Hermogenes the belief that everything was made from nothing will be impressed upon us by that ultimate dispensation of God which will bring back all things to nothing. For "the very heaven shall be rolled together as a scroll; '"[362] A Strain of the Judgment of the Lord 180 An... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:30

Didache 6. And then shall appear the signs of the truth;[149] Didache first, the sign of an out-spreading[150] Didache 8. Then shall the world see the Lord coming upon the clouds of heaven.[152] Revelation of Paul and I saw the Son of God with glory and great power coming down to the earth.[2... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:31

Hippolytus Dogmatical and Historical Fragments And He says again, "Then shall the Son of man send His angels, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds of heaven."[158] Didache Remember, Lord, Thy Church, to deliver it from all evil and to make it perfect in Thy love, and gathe... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:33

Tertullian On the Resurrection of the Flesh "So likewise ye," (He adds), "when ye shall see all these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of heaven is nigh at hand."[136]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:35

1 Clement When and as He pleases He will do all things, and none of the things determined by Him shall pass away.[111] Tertullian Against Hermogenes nay, it shall come to nothing along with the earth itself, with which it was made in the beginning. "Heaven and earth shall pass away,"[363] Origen... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:36

Tertullian Against Praxeas and slain by the husbandmen, and avenged by the Father. He is also ignorant of the last day and hour, which is known to the Father only.[377]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:37

Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III Et rursus: "Sicut autem erat in diebus Noe, erant nubentes, et nuptui dantes, aedificantes, et plantantes; et sicut erat in diebus Lot, ita erit adventus Filii hominis."[61] Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III Et quod hoc non dicit ad genies, ostendit,... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:41

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XIII For there are also differences of millstones, so that one of them may be, so to call it, the millstone of a man, and another that of an ass; and that is human, about which it is written, "Two women shall be grinding at the mill; one is taken and one is left; ... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:42

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV "Watch ye therefore, for ye know not in what day your Lord shall come."[568] Irenaeus Against Heresies Book V and for this cause did the Lord command His disciples to be on the watch.[68] Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book V For He not only figuratively calls t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:45

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV ), good and wise, whom the Lord sets over His household, to give them their meat in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his Lord, when He cometh, shall find so doing."[374] Epistle of Theonas to Lucianus And, in like manner, all that is paid out to others, o... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:46

Shepherd of Hermas Similitude Ninth " Having spoken these words, he said to me, "Let us go, and after two days let us come and clean these stones, and cast them into the building; for all things around the tower must be cleaned, lest the Master come suddenly[14]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:48

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV Of whom also did the Lord say: "But if the evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming, and shall begin to smite the man-servants and maidens, and to eat and drink and be drunken; the lord of that servant shall come in a day that he looketh not... [ Continue Reading ]

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