Cyprian Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

Also in the Gospel the Lord says: "There shall not be left in the temple one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down."[68]

Recognitions of Clement I

they might see Him who should teach them that the place chosen of God, in which it was suitable that victims should be offered to God, is his Wisdom; and that on the other hand they might hear that this place, which seemed chosen for a time, often harassed as it had been by hostile invasions and plunderings, was at last to be wholly destroyed.[29]

Clementine Homily III

Accordingly, therefore, prophesying concerning the temple, He said: `See ye these buildings? Verily I say to you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another which shall not be taken away; and this generation shall not pass until the destruction begin. For they shall come, and shall sit here, and shall besiege it, and shall slay your children here.'[4]

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Old Testament