NT References in the Ante-Nicene Fathers
Matthew 26:30
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book V
and we were with Him, and sang an hymn according to the custom.[96]
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book V
and we were with Him, and sang an hymn according to the custom.[96]
Verse 30. _AND WHEN THEY HAD SUNG A HYMN_] υμνησαντες means, probably, no more than a kind of _recitative_ reading or chanting. As to the _hymn_ itself, we know, from the universal consent of Jewish...
See also Mark 14:22; Luke 22:15; 1 Corinthians 11:23. Matthew 26:26...
13. THE PASSION OF THE KING. Chapter s 26-27. CHAPTER 26 1. His Death Planned. (Matthew 26:1 .) 2. Mary of Bethany Anointing the King.(Matthew 26:6 .) 3. The Betrayal. (Matthew 26:14 .) 4. The Last...
PREDICTION OF THE DISCIPLES-' DESERTION (Mark 14:26 *). In Lk. (Luke 22:31) the prediction is confined to Peter. Note in Mt.'s narrative (_a)_ the disaster is to be this night, (Matthew 26:31), (_b)_...
While they were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed it and broke it, and gave it to his disciples and said, "Take, eat; this is my body." Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it...
HYMN. Psalm. Probably the second part of "the great _Hallel_ " (or Hallelujah), Psalms 115, 116, 117, 118. THEY WENT OUT. Another proof that this was not the Passover lamb. Compare Exodus 12:22. See...
_when they had sung a hymn_ Properly, "_the_hymn," the second part of the hallel. See note on Matthew 26:20 (_f_)....
The Last Supper Mark 14:17-26; Luke 22:14-38, where the dispute as to who should be the greatest is recorded, and the warning to Peter related as happening before Jesus departed for the Mount of Oliv...
THE LAST SUPPER Mark 14:17-26; Luke 22:14-38, where the dispute as to who should be the greatest is recorded, and the warning to Peter related as happening before Jesus departed for the Mount of Olive...
ὙΜΝΉΣΑΝΤΕΣ. ‘Having chanted’ the second part of the _hallel_. See note on Matthew 26:20 (_f_)....
Ver 30. And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives. 31. Then saith Jesus unto them, "All ye shall be offended because of me this night; for it is written, I will smite the...
_THE PASSOVER AND COMMUNION MATTHEW 26:17-35:_ Jesus ate the Passover with the disciples for the final time. This was the last Passover in two senses: (1) Jesus would soon die and would not be on eart...
ΎΜΝΉΣΑΝΤΕΣ _aor. act. part. от_ ΎΜΝΈΩ (G5214) петь хвалебные гимны. В конце пасхального пира пели вторую часть халлела, Пс. 112 — 117 (BAGD; SB, 4:ii, 68-73; WZZT, 230, 288-90; Μ, Pesahim 10:7). ΈΞΉΛ...
AND WHEN THEY HAD SUNG AN HYMN— This is thought by some to have been one of the Psalms used at the paschal feast, (see on Matthew 26:20.) though Grotius and others are of opinion, that it possibly was...
SECTION 65 JESUS CELEBRATES HIS LAST PASSOVER AND INSTITUTES THE LORD'S SUPPER (Parallels: Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:7-39 a; John 13:1 to John 18:1
Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover? For the exposition, see the notes at L...
6 The Lord was twice anointed during the last week of His life, first, six days before the Passover, and on this occasion. One woman anointed His feet, this woman poured the attar on His head. This oc...
26:30 hymn, (f-5) _ Humneo_ . see Mark 14:26 ; Acts 16:25 ; Hebrews 2:12 ....
INSTITUTION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER (Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:23). It is not certain how far Jesus at the Last Supper followed the customary Passover ritual, but it is clear that He did s...
SUNG AN HYMN] i.e. the second part of the Hallel (Psalms 115-118) which accompanied the fourth Passover-cup: see No. 10 above. _ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE LAST SUPPER_ (_a_) ITS THEOLOGICAL AND APOLOGET...
THE LAST SUPPER (Mark 14:12; Luke 22:7; John 13:1). For the order of events see on Jn, and intro. to Matthew 21. The question whether the Last Supper was the Jewish Passov
THE BETRAYAL. THE LAST SUPPER. ARREST OF JESUS, AND TRIAL BEFORE THE HIGH PRIEST 1-5. A Council is held against Jesus (Mark 14:1; Luke 22:1 : cp. John 13:1)....
MATTHEW’S GOOD NEWS MATTHEW’S *GOSPEL _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 26 PLANS TO KILL JESUS 26:1-5 V1 When Jesus had finished teaching those things, he spoke again to his *disciples. V2 ‘As you know, t...
AND WHEN THEY HAD SUNG AN HYMN. — This close of the supper would seem to coincide (but the work of the harmonist is not an easy one here) with the “Rise, let us go hence” of John 14:31, and, if so, we...
Chapter 19 The Great Atonement Day - Matthew 26:1 - Matthew 27:1 WE enter now on the story of the last day of the mortal life of our Lord and Saviour. We have already noticed the large proportionate...
ὑμνήσαντες. With this participle, referring to the last act within the supper chamber the singing of the paschal hymn (the Hallel, part 2, Psalms 115-118, or possibly a _new_ song, Grotius) we pass wi...
_Gethsemane_ (Mark 14:26-42; Luke 22:39-46)....
A SELF-CONFIDENT DISCIPLE WARNED Matthew 26:26-35 The Passover looked back to the dread hour of the Exodus; the Supper links Calvary with the Second Advent. In partaking of it we should not confine o...
The Lord now reverted to the theme of His coming suffering, telling the disciples with great definiteness of the time-"after two days"; and of the event-"The Son of Man is delivered up to be crucified...
And when they had sung (q) an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives. (q) When they had made an end of their solemn singing, which some think was six Psalms, (Psalms 112:1; Psalms 117:2)....
_And when they had sung a hymn. Christ, with his disciples, after supper, sang a hymn of thanksgiving. Here in order to follow those incomparable instructions, which we read in St. John, chap. xiv. xv...
GETHSEMANE Matthew 26:30-46; Mark 14:26-42; Luke 22:39-46; John 18:1. “ _Jesus speaking these things_, went out with H
"Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests, (15) And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pie...
We now enter on the Lord's final presentation of Himself to Jerusalem, traced, however, from Jericho; that is, from the city which had once been the stronghold of the power of the Canaanite. The Lord...
The Lord had finished His discourses. He prepares (chapter 26) to suffer, and to make His last and touching adieus to His disciples, at the table of His last passover on earth, at which He instituted,...
AND WHEN THEY HAD SUNG AN HYMN,.... The "Hallell", which the Jews were obliged to sing on the night of the passover; for the passover, they say l, was טעון הלל, "bound to an hymn". This "Hallell", or...
And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives. Ver. 30. _And when they had sung an hymn_] The Jews at the Passover sang the great hallelujah, that is, the 113th Psalm with th...
_And when they had sung a hymn_ Which was constantly sung at the close of the passover. It consisted of six psalms, from the 113th to the 118th. See the contents of Psalms 113. _They went out into the...
EVENTS AT GETHSEMANE. The prophecy of the denial:...
Only when His prophetic word, with its every dispensational bearing, is complete does the King, in calm, conscious authority, declare to His disciples that the time has arrived for His being betrayed...
HYMN: Or, psalm...
26-30 This ordinance of the Lord's supper is to us the passover supper, by which we commemorate a much greater deliverance than that of Israel out of Egypt. Take, eat; accept of Christ as he is offer...
Ver. 26-30. Mark relates this with no considerable difference, MARK 14:22; only he saith, _they all drank of it, _ and, _shed for many for the remission of sins._ Luke saith, our Saviour upon his givi...
Matthew 26:30 And G2532 hymn G5214 (G5660) out G1831 (G5627) to G1519 Mount G3735 Olives G1636 w
‘And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the mount of Olives.' The celebration coming towards its end it closes as usual with the Hallel (Psalms 115-118), after which they leave the city prope...
JESUS INSTITUTES THE LORD'S SUPPER AND ESTABLISHES THE NEW COVENANT IN HIS BLOOD (26:26-30). We are so used to the Lord's Supper that this moment can almost pass us by unmoved. It was, however, as sen...
THE FINAL PASSOVER AND THE DECLARATION OF THE NEW COVENANT (26:20-35). This second subsection is carefully patterned around the Passover meal. It commences with a warning of Jesus' coming betrayal, de...
Matthew 26:17-19; the preparation for the Passover. Matthew 26:20-25; the actual celebration during which our Lord announces who would betray Him. Matthew 26:26-30; the institution of the Lord's Suppe...
THE INSTITUTION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER. This feast of love, designed to bind the hearts of Christians to their Lord and to each other, has, like the person of our Lord Himself, been made the occasion of...
Matthew 26:30. AND WHEN THEY HAD SUNG A HYMN (Psalms 115-118.) , THEY WENT OUT UNTO THE MOUNT OF OLIVES, to Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36). Between the hymn and the going out we must insert the discourse...
SANG A HYMN (υμνησαντες). The _Hallel_, part of Matthew 26:115-118. But apparently they did not go out at once to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus tarried with them in the Upper Room for the wonderfu...
Matthew 26:30 There are many truths which present themselves to the mind, when it duly ponders the simple statement of the text. I. The first of these truths is that our blessed Lord, by conforming t...
We will read, first, Matthew's account of the institution of the Lord's supper. Matthew 26:26. _And as they were eating,_ In the middle of the Paschal Feast our Lord instituted the sacred festival w...
Matthew 26:20. _Now when the even was come, he sat down with the twelve._ Why so many people celebrate the Lord's supper in the morning, I cannot imagine, unless it be that they desire to do everythi...
Matthew 26:17. Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover? And he said, Go into the c...
Matthew 26:14. _Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests, and said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for...
Matthew 26:14. _Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests, And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for...
6, 7. _Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat._ Th...
CONTENTS: Authorities plot Christ's death. Jesus annointed by Mary of Bethany. Judas sells Jesus. The last Passover. Lord's supper instituted. Gethsemane experience. Jesus before Caiaphas and Sanhedri...
Matthew 26:2. _After two day is the passover._ This is the literal import of the Greek word πασχα _pascha,_ and the Hebrew word פסח _pesach,_ because the Israelites, after eating the paschal lamb, pas...
THEN THEY SANG A HYMN. It was the custom to close Passover by singing Psalms 115-118. Singing was given a new place in the messianic community. TO THE MOUNT OF OLIVES. To the garden of Gethsemane on t...
_And when they had sung an hymn._ THE PARTING HYMN Our Lord commemorated the Passover as His countrymen were wont to do; and we may justly conclude that He sung what they were used to sing in finishi...
MATTHEW—NOTE ON MATTHEW 26:1 The Crucified Messiah. Matthew narrates the events leading to Jesus’ death: (1) the Passover and Lord’s Supper and events in Gethsemane (Matthew
MATTHEW—NOTE ON MATTHEW 26:30 HYMN. Perhaps Psalms 113:1, or Psalms 136:1....
Jesus and the disciples have the Last Supper Matthew 26:20-30; Mark 14:17-26; Luke 22:14-23; John 13:21-30;...
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Matthew 26:28. NEW.—Omitted in R.V., on the authority of the best MSS. TESTAMENT.—_Covenant_ (R.V.). The term διαθήκη is here of peculiar importance. It does not mean either a covenan...
EXPOSITION Ch. 26-28:20 THUS JESUS ENTERS UPON HIS KINGDOM. Before attempting to expound this most momentous section of the gospel history, we must make up our minds concerning the solution of the di...
Now it came to pass, when Jesus had finished all these sayings (Matthew 26:1), This is the end of now the Olivet discourse. He now said to his disciples, Now you know that in two days is the feast o...
Colossians 3:16; Colossians 3:17; Ephesians 5:19; Ephesians 5:20;...
Sung a hymn. Very probably the second part of the Jewish Hallel or Hallelujah, embracing Psalms 115:116; Psalms 115:117; Psalms 115:118. They went out. In the original institution of the Passover it w...
And when they had sung the hymn — Which was constantly sung at the close of the passover. It consisteth of six psalms, from the 113th to the 118th. Psalms 113:1 &c. The mount of Olives — Was over agai...