Tertullian Against Marcion Book V
, whereas even the devil according to our Gospel recognised Jesus in
the temptation,[252]
Tertullian On Baptism
showed, by maintaining a fast of forty days, that the man of God lives
"not by bread alone," but "by the word of God; "[212]
Dionysius The Gospel Acco... [ Continue Reading ]
Archelaus Acts of the Disputation with the Heresiarch Manes
and here, my Lord Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness when
He was tempted of the devil, and fasted in like manner forty
The Protevangelium of James
and there pitched his tent, and fasted forty days and forty nights... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians
But after His [lengthened] fast thou didst again assume thy wonted
audacity, and didst tempt Him when hungry, as if He had been an
ordinary man, not knowing who He was. For thou saidst, "If thou be the
Son of God, command that these stones be made bread."[42]... [ Continue Reading ]
Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book II "For the righteous shall
not live by bread."[15]
Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book III
Notwithstanding let him read what follows: "For the righteous man
shall not live by bread alone, but by the word of the Lord,"[71]
Tertullian On the Resurrec... [ Continue Reading ]
Do thou, therefore, persuade the people not to entertain erroneous
opinions concerning Jesus: for all the people, and we also, listen to
thy persuasion. Take thy stand, then, upon the summit[5]... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians
from the very highest glory, to say to the Lord, "Cast thyself down
from hence[47]... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book V
Then in the Gospel, casting down the apostasy by means of these
expressions, He did both overcome the strong man by His Father's
voice, and He acknowledges the commandment of the law to express His
own sentiments, when He says, "Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy
God... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians
And thou dost set forth thine own fall as an example to the Lord, and
dost promise to give Him what is really His own, if He would fall down
and worship thee.[53]
Dialogue of Justin
is recorded in the memoirs of the apostles to have come to Him and
tempted H... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians
But the Lord is long-suffering, and does not reduce to nothing him who
in his ignorance dares [to utter] such words, but meekly replies, "Get
thee hence, Satan."[56]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians
For I know Who I am, and by Whom I have been sent, an... [ Continue Reading ]
Origen Commentary on Matthew Book X
And those who attended to the net which was cast into the sea are
Jesus Christ, the master of the net, and "the angels who came and
ministered unto Him,"[54]... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian An Answer to the Jews
while the light from on high would beam upon us who were sitting in
darkness, and were being detained in the shadow of death.[88]
Tertullian On Fasting
By and by the Lord Himself consecrated His own baptism (and, in His
own, that of all) by fasts;[59]
Origen Comm... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV
As Isaiah says: "Drink in this first, and be prompt, O region of
Zabulon and land of Nephthalim, and ye others who (inhabit) the
sea-coast, and that of Jordan, Galilee of the nations, ye people who
sit in darkness, behold a great light; upon you, who inhabit (that... [ Continue Reading ]
Hippolytus Exegetical Fragments " And that this is said prophetically
of the Church of the Gentiles, is made apparent to us in the Gospel:
"The land of Zabulun, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the
sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles; the people which sat in
darkness saw great light... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian Against Marcion Book V
-to them, that is, "who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death?
Origen Against Celsus Book VI
For "the people that sat in darkness-the Gentiles-saw a great light,
and to them who sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung
The Firs... [ Continue Reading ]
Clement of Alexandria Exhortation to the Heathen
For this, and nothing but this, is His only work-the salvation of man.
Therefore He Himself, urging them on to salvation, cries, "The kingdom
of heaven is at hand."[115]
Hippolytus Exegetical Fragments
etc.; and, "To them that sat in darkness light... [ Continue Reading ]
Origen Commentary on John Book X
and him who is seen by Jesus when walking by the sea of Galilee,[23]... [ Continue Reading ]
Origen Against Celsus Book I
el relates of them, and in respect to which Celsus believes that they
speak the truth, inasmuch as it is their own ignorance which they
record), discoursing boldly not only among the Jews of faith in Jesus,
but also preaching Him with success among other nations, would... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian On Idolatry
and handicrafts, and trades, are to be quite left behind for the
Lord's sake; while James and John, called by the Lord, do leave quite
behind both father and ship;[88]
Tertullian On Baptism
deserted father and ship, and the craft by which he gained his
living;[134]... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians
and was a perfect man, and not merely one dwelling in a man? But how
came this magician into existence, who of old formed all nature that
can be apprehended either by the senses or intellect, according to the
will of the Father; and, when He became incarnate,... [ Continue Reading ]
Excerpt on Edessa from the History of the Church
of the country, to Jesus, the good Saviour, who has appeared in the
country of Jerusalem: Peace. I have heard about Thee,[20]... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians
and to provoke to a display of vainglory Him that was free from all
ostentation? And didst thou pretend to read in Scripture concerning
Him: "For He hath given His angels charge concerning Thee, and in
their hands they shall bear Thee up, lest thou shouldest d... [ Continue Reading ]